29. Moonshine

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Dining Hall

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Dining Hall


"Sweetie, won't you sit down?" Alec asked.

Elianna had been pacing the room ever since Kaylon told her that Ilias had gone to the Royal Medical Department to receive her exam results. Even when she felt confident of her own answers to the essays, the ideas that she put forth haven't been acknowledged by the royal scholars. The suspense was killing her right now and she just hoped that Ilias would arrive at the dining hall right at this moment to announce her results. 

"I'm sure you did fine," Tristan smiled as he got up from his seat and approached her. He placed his hands on her shoulders, attempting to stop her from taking another step. 


A warning voice sounded, following the quiet creak of the door opening. Elianna felt Tristan flinched a little before he removed his hands off her and stared towards the door. Without turning her head, she recognised the voice as Rowan and immediately dashed across the dining hall and in the direction of Rowan and Ilias. She rushed, "How did I do?" 

She must've been too nervous to realise that her entire body was almost clinging onto Rowan until he gently pried her hands off his arm. Her face heated and she quickly released the hands that were clutching onto his sleeves. While she tried to pull her arms back, he quickly caught her hand and held onto it firmly. He laughed deeply, "You did amazing, love." 

It was as though she was afraid that she heard him wrongly that she had to check, "Say again?" 

"You did amazing, Eli," he chuckled, raising his other hand to pat the top of her head. "Professor Hamley had visited a moment ago, requesting for you to report to the Royal Medical Department tomorrow and meet him once you've registered yourself as a medical official." 

"Really?" she gasped. 

Beside Rowan, Ilias gave her a slight smile, "Yes, Elianna. Congratulations." 

A confirmation from Ilias was all she needed to feel grounded at the reality of everything. Everyone cheered for her and she giggled in excitement for passing the first exams in her life. When she turned towards Rowan, he seemed as though he had something to say but when she was about to ask about it, he had brushed that intention off. He only said, "Enjoy your achievements, love. Let's all have a good dinner." 

Over dinner, Alec raised his glass, "This calls for a celebration!" 

Elianna wasn't sure what Alec meant but she nodded excitedly, thinking that it would be fun to share her joy with everyone. Suddenly, a hand landed on her arm and she turned to look at Rowan when he checked, "Eli, how old are you?" 

"I turned nineteen this spring, is there a matter?" Elianna dropped her head to the side, supposedly unsure why Rowan would be curious about her age all of the sudden. 

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