35. Thethia's Visit

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Study

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Study


"Your Highness, news came that the Princess of Thethia will be visiting with the Royal Secretariat of Thethia today. His Majesty has requested for you to host their visit." Ilias said.

"What's the reason behind the sudden visit?" he asked, his tone filled with reluctance and annoyance.

"It wasn't stated. The Royal Secretariat of Thethia simply arranged for a visit mentioning that the King of Thethia had an important message to be delivered," Ilias replied. 

"I need to inform Elianna about this. Meanwhile, gather the rest to head towards the Royal Palace," he sighed.

"Yes, Your Highness," Ilias left the study together with him.

Parting his way with Ilias, he turned and walked in the other direction towards where the medical office would be. Standing at her door, he carefully knocked on her door and a muffled voice sounded from within that shouted, "Come in!" 

When he entered the office, she was attending to one of the soldiers who had injured his arm. That poor man's face was all scrunched from drinking the medicine while Elianna bandaged him up. The medicine must've been too bitter for him to realise that he had entered the room until he teased, "Thomas, isn't this a good lesson to be more cautious when you're training?" 

Startled, the young soldier bowed towards him, "Y-Your Highness!" 

"Your Highness, could you be feeling unwell?" Elianna asked, seemingly surprised by the sudden visit. 

Rowan only smiled, "I'm all good, you can finish attending to Thomas first." 

"Yes, please give me a moment." 

Rowan nodded and settled down in the chair beside her desk. The young soldier left after she was done with bandaging him and she removed her gloves to wash her hands before walking towards him. Worry etched in her expression as she asked, "Rowan, why did you visit suddenly? Are you feeling unwell or have your injured yourself anywhere?" 

"I'm fine," he said, his hand reached out and gestured towards the seat on the other side of her desk. "Take a seat, love. I have something important to tell you."

She immediately walked around the table and sat down. Her eyes remained on him, trying to read his expression but a frown appeared when she noticed his silence, seeming expecting that all that he was going to tell him wouldn't be anything she would enjoy hearing. Rowan waited for her to sit before he broke the silence, "Thethia's making a visit to Iftia's Royal Grounds today." 

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