39. In the Shadows

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Large Foyer

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Large Foyer


Rowan returned once he saw Elizabeth off. Tending to these royals really got on his nerves. It felt almost impossible to talk to them without having them giggling and smiling at every single thing that was said. He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to get rid of the annoyance. 

He sighed as some maidservants came forward to take the heavy coat which he had removed when he entered the Lyx. His knights also assembled at the large foyer to receive him. Kaylon was the first to break the silence as he said happily, "Your Highness, Elianna has returned to Lyx." 

His head shot up to glance at Kaylon, surprised. He wondered how long it had been since he last saw her, he was sure it had only been a few days but the period he was away from her felt long and dreadful. He missed her so much. He missed her soft brown hair and those beautiful amber-coloured eyes. He missed her melodic voice and her lovely laughter. Rowan glanced down at his hands. What he missed the most was her warmth and her small body against his large frame. 


He knew that the tension between them has yet ceased. And he didn't have the chance to explain himself because of all the official matters that kept him constantly preoccupied. Closing his hands into fists, he shook the thoughts off. He had decided to find her immediately after he was done with everything for the day. 

"Meet me in the study," he requested, gesturing for his knights to move. 


Iftia: Lyx Palace, Elianna's Bedchamber


Elianna only remembered feeling really upset when she returned to her own bedchamber. Whenever she wasn't feeling well, Thunder would stay with her but he had returned to Thethia today. She told him that she would be okay but she was quite far from it. After taking a quick bath, she turned in for the night and she wasn't sure why the enigma within her chest swelled uncomfortably. 

When she opened her eyes again, darkness quickly surrounded her and she tried to call for Thunder but there wasn't a reply until a distant voice sounded, "Princess Elianna!" 

Surprised, she recognised that as Lylia's voice. She turned but couldn't see anything except for the endless darkness that surrounded her. Closing her fists, the shadows refused to disappear and her pulse quickened when she couldn't understand why her gift refused to heed to her command. 

"Elianna!" This time, it was Jason's voice.

Elianna tried to locate the voice but the echoes were confusing her and she wasn't sure where to even start searching when she couldn't find anything within this empty void. Frantic, she pleaded in her heart. Thunder, I'm scared. I don't know what's happening. 

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