15. It Hurts

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Thethia: Heather Palace, Receiving Room

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Thethia: Heather Palace, Receiving Room


After the meal, Lylia arranged for them to settle in the receiving room and Marie placed the tea down for them before both of them left the receiving room. Elianna sat beside her mother and she had asked, "Did you enjoy yourself?" 

"Yes, I did," Elianna gave a respectful nod towards her mother and thanked her politely, "Thank you, Mother." 

"You're welcome my darling," Mother smiled. 

Elianna looked towards her mother, noticing that she had been staring at her and there was something indiscernible within her amber eyes. Their eyes shared the same shade and colour. Yet, she couldn't make out all the hidden thoughts that lay within the million hues. The room was left to them and there was a sudden feeling of tension that troubled her. Elianna couldn't make out the awkward heaviness that hung in the air. 


Before Elianna could raise her question, the slow creak from the door behind her caught her attention and she noticed Jason entering the room. In his hand, he held onto a tray that was draped over by a red velvet cloth. The child stared curiously, wondering what was on the tray because, from her height, she couldn't see what was placed on it. 

Mother's hand reached for her and she rested one of her palm on her cheek, she carefully turned the child to face her and she whispered softly with tender sadness, "Elianna, my child." 

"Mother?" Elianna's voice shook for unknown reasons.

"Close your eyes, Eli," Mother whispered.

The child still stared at her mother with wide eyes, her mind filled with many questions at the moment. Then, she turned slightly to take a glance towards Jason only to see him giving her an assuring nod. Returning her gaze to Mother again, Elianna looked at her for one last time before closing her eyes.

A pause of silence hung heavily in the air and she heard her mother starting to read out a string of commands in Thethiac. An unexplainable nervousness filled her chest when she couldn't recognise the spell that her mother was casting. However, when she wanted to open her eyes again to make sense of all that was happening, she felt a sudden pressure plunge right into her chest, immediately forcing her eyes wide open. 

"Mother?" Elianna stared in disbelief at her mother before she looked down at the dagger that was driven right into her chest. Coughing out a mouthful of blood, consciousness left her in an instant. 

• Queen of Thethia, Nadia 

Nadia gripped tightly onto the hilt of the dagger as her child slumped lifelessly against her forearm. She waited for a moment of three heartbeats and the next one never arrived and at that moment, she confirmed that her child had stopped breathing. Behind her, Jason said, "Nadia, they're coming." 

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