48.5. Veilstein Manor

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35 years agoThethia: Veilstein Manor, Garden

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35 years ago
Thethia: Veilstein Manor, Garden


"Jason, what are you doing?" A soft but petulant voice chimed in his ears while a pair of hands folded around his neck from behind.

"My lady," he nodded slightly in acknowledgement of her presence. "As you can see, I am reading."

"What are you reading?" she chuckled, her head tilted to the side as she stared at him with those breathtakingly beautiful amber eyes.

The moment he met her gaze, it was like his life had lost its perspectives because the depths of her eyes became his only focal point. He remained unmoved for a moment too long and a soft laugh bubbled off her, shaking him back into reality in an instant. Heat stretched from his neck up to his cheeks and all the way to his ears. He shifted his gaze away and mumbled under his breath, "Advanced Medicine."

Her hand reached and placed on top of his as they flipped the pages together. Nadia had rested her chin on his shoulder, and they read the next few pages together but those text seemed so foreign and confusing to him all of a sudden. A feeling of desperation overwhelmed him as he tried to figure out why those pages seemed to speak Iftiac to him instead of Thethiac. More than rather, he frantically wanted to know the reason behind his pounding heart and the rising temperature.

"I'm bored, Jason," she whined, heaving a sigh against his shoulder.

His back straightened immediately, and he coughed in awkwardness. Then, he shifted his shoulder slightly to give a light shrug, but she did not respond to it. "My l-lady, could you let me g-go?"

"No," she giggled, turning her head slightly so that her cheek lay on his shoulder. Jason peered towards his side and saw that she had closed her eyes. Her expression was serene, and their mouths were only an inch apart. He thought if he were to lean in, their lips would touch.

A sudden urge rose, but he mentally slapped himself for having such forbidden thinking on the only daughter of Duke Veilstein. Compared to her, he was only the adopted son of Earl Wayland and in actuality, blood of a Baron flowed in his veins. So, how dare he held the audacity to try and make a move on a lady who stood much higher than him.

"You're always staring at me with furrowed brows, do I upset you?" Her eyes fluttered open as she raised her hand. Her finger rubbed gently on those folded skin between his brows, attempting to erase the frown on his face. He watched as her face leaned even closer to him, her warm breath caressed the tip of his nose.

No. Definitely not. It is the exact opposite. Yet, his love was his to keep and not for anyone to know. He turned his head slightly, avoiding her. "My lady, you should not get so close to a man."

"Only you," she breathed, her voice light and enchanting as air. "I only do this to you, Jason."

His breathing stopped entirely together with his heart. His surroundings had been drowned out of his consciousness because in this space and time, the only beings that existed were the two of them. They breathed, chest rising and falling in synchronicity as he felt her on his back. He wished so desperately that they could be trapped in this moment together. It was as though looking at her amber-coloured eyes would also grant his gray eyes some colour, and her words had thrown away all the barriers that separated them.

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