33. Nvre Palace

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Iftia: Royal Medical Department

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Iftia: Royal Medical Department


Rowan decided to come to the Royal Medical Department to fetch Elianna back to Lyx, since it was near dinner time and Elianna hadn't returned. When he entered, the medical administrator bowed towards him and said, "Your Highness." 

"Where's Doctor Everson?" he asked. 

"Doctor Everson left for Nvre Palace with Professor Hamley in the afternoon, they have yet returned since—" the medical administrator's voice trailed off nervously. 

"What for?" Rowan questioned, his tone was cold and sharp. A sudden heavy pressure filled the air as the temperature of the room fell into temperatures reflecting the snowstorm outside. 

The medical administrator stammered through his words, "I-In the afternoon, there was a request for Professor Hamley from Nvre, saying that it is u-urgent. D-Doctor Everson was brought along." 

Without another word, Rowan turned around and left. He had so many thoughts flooding through his mind right now and it was almost impossible to think them through. Since that day, he never set foot into Nvre and he also avoided seeing Matthias. Knowing that Elianna had gone there, it made him feel all uptight and uncomfortable. He doesn't want her to be there and there wasn't a reason for her to go there. Swiftly getting up his horse, he held onto the reins and rode his way to Nvre. 

As expected, his arrival alarmed the guards. They drew their swords at him, daring him to step forward. Yet, he observed the apprehension in their faces and their frightened demeanour. A mocking laugh escaped from his lips, "Did you all really think that you can stop me?" 

The guards retreated to make a path, still holding onto their swords as they followed him into Nvre. He stomped through the hallways, his steps fast, thunderous and murderous. When he arrived at the door in front of Matthias' bedchamber, the guards stared at him with wide eyes before drawing their swords. 

Rowan didn't even flinch, he didn't even move a single finger before sending them flying out of his sight. Fools. 


Elianna heard the commotion right outside the door and all the knights inside the bedchamber had drawn their swords and positioned themselves in a defensive stance. She looked at the Second Prince, but before she could ask about anything, the door was forcefully slammed opened in one violent push. Startled, she pivoted herself towards the door and saw Rowan at the entrance. 

Dangerous air hung around him, and as he entered the room, he brought along freezing tension that would make anyone weak in the knees. She definitely felt herself slightly trembling from the heavy pressure. This was the second time she saw him like this, but the situation looked dire this time. Looking around the room, she realised that he came alone. Those guards following behind him were all pointing their swords towards him, even the Second Prince's knights seemed wary of him. 

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