Chapter 1

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When Naruto opened his eyes he expected to see his parents and godfather. What he saw instead was a smelly dumpster and a younger version of his best friend Sasuke.

Sasuke stirred and groaned while opening his eyes. He gave Naruto a confused look and Naruto only shrugged.

"Why are you so small dobe?" Sasuke furrowed his brows.

"I can say the same for you pipSQUEAK!" Naruto's voice cracked and sounded like a child making both him and Sasuke cringe.

"Where are we?" Naruto asked while picking himself up off the dirty road.

"Well all I know is we're not in Konoha and in some kind of alley in a village I'm assuming." Sasuke narrowed his eyes in concentration.

"But I have never been in a village so loud. I'm surprised I can even get up. It's a sensory overload for me right now." Naruto whined while massaging his temple.

"Hn...I didn't even know you knew what Sensory meant." The Uchiha smirked.

"I'm not stupid Teme!" Naruto yelled out. Sasuke perked up and covered Naruto's Mouth pushing them into a corner to hide in. Naruto gave the Uchiha a confused look but Sasuke only put a finger to his mouth and pointed to a group of men.

"I swear I heard someone here." A gruff sounding voice barked. Both Sasuke and Naruto flinched not recognizing the language he was speaking in.

"Come out!" Another man shouted.

A car pulled up and a group of men stepped out and began looking for Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke grabbed Naruto and went to make a run for it but since they both exhausted their chakra there and had no weapons there wasn't much that could be done.

Before they could escape from the other side of the alleyway another car appeared and they were both knocked out.

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