Chapter 16: The Demon

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I woke up staring at the white ceiling in my room. For once my mind wasn't plagued with nightmares and worries. I took a deep breath closing my eyes and enjoying the momentary peace.

"Mr. Uzumaki, Mr. Stark asked me to inform you that we have an important guest that wants to meet you when you wake up." FRIDAY said gently already knowing about my sensitive ears.

"Okay, tell him I just got up and will up there in a few." I replied.

I turned to my left and finally took notice of the missing Uchiha.

'Must've left while I was sleeping..' I thought to myself.

I got up and took a shower, brushing my teeth and getting dressed into some new clothes. I opened the door and walked towards the new chakra signatures.

"Good afternoon kid!" Stark greeted while taking a bottle of alcohol out a cabinet.

"Afternoon?" I questioned.

"It's 2:00 Dobe." Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Ah...No wonder I was so hungry when I woke up!" I laughed in a carefree manner.

"'re Naruto right? You must've been tired after the whole incident with SHIELD." A woman with red hair smiled. Her accent was a bit thick and since English wasn't my first language I found it hard to understand. And it took a few seconds to register what she said.

"Who's that?" I raised and eyebrow.

"This is Wanda Maximoff and Vision. They're close friends but have been busy recently while traveling the world." Tony smirked.

"Wanda huh..." I mumbled while staring at her. I turned to Vision and my stomach lurched. I felt something very powerful from him and slightly ominous.

"Are you ok?" The man asked with a worried tone. I flinched away from his hand and stared at him with wide eyes. My instinct screaming to attack him despite his non threatening behavior.

'Is this Kuruma that's making me feel this?' I couldn't help but question.

Sasuke looked suspicious of my reaction and raised an eyebrow. I glanced over at Vision and then placed a hand on my stomach. Sasuke bristled and looked up at Vision with slight hostility.

"Vision won't hurt you." Wanda tried reassuring us.

"What do you mean? We didn't say anything.." Sasuke narrowed his eyes raising the tension in the room.

"Oh I guess I forgot to mention. I can read minds although I can mostly control it some thoughts are to loud." She explained. This sent alarms between Sasuke and I because as ninjas we pride ourselves in secrecy and mystery especially the Uchiha. The power to read minds were similar to the Yamanaka but hers might be more refined.

"This is going to be troublesome." Kuruma grumbled. Wandas head snapped in our direction and her face contorted onto confusion as she eyed me.

"Shit! Can she hear you to?!" I panicked.

"How did you manage to meet someone so troublesome brat!" Kuruma sneered angrily. His chakra lightly leaked out of me due to his anger.

"You. Why do you have two voices in your head?" Wanda glared. Sasuke stilled and now we were both making eye contact. A bead of sweat dropped down my forehead. We still have yet to tell the Avengers about Kuruma and I intend to keep it that way.

"What are you talking about-" Sasuke rolled his eyes trying to play dumb but was cut off by the mind reader. 

"You know what I'm talking about. Who's the kyuubi?" She shouted while eyeing Sasuke and I.

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