Chapter 9

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Steve introduced me to his friend named Sam Wilson. He was what they called in this world African American in my world we would've assumed he was from Kumogakure. Steve woke me up early and asked if I would like to meet his friend and join him on his daily morning run, since I looked at it as endurance training I thought to myself why not and wore an orange track suit joint them.

Sam was having a hard time keeping up with Steve and I it was kinda funny. I assumed he would keep up but I guess not everyone with darker skin like cloud nin were strong.

We stopped once it got brighter and Sam sat down leaning on a tree trying to catch his breath.

"Need a medic?" Steve asked with a smile.

"I think he does Jii-San he's barely breathing!" I snickered.

"Shut up kid! Not everybody's freakshily strong like you two!" Sam whined.

"Be nice Naruto." Steve hit the back of my head.

"Itai!" I yelped and turned to Steve with a pout.

"Don't give me that look." Steve replies while raising an eyebrow.

"I think I need a new set of lungs. You just ran 13 miles in like 30 minutes." Sam chuckled weakly.

"Say what unit are you in?" Steve asked.

"58th pararescue, but now I'm working down at the V.A." The man replied. They started taking about Military things which bored the shit out of me so I sat down and closed my eyes visiting Kuruma.

"Naruto! Are you ok?" I felt someone grab my should and my eyes flew open to see a worried Steve and curious Sam.

"Oh I must've fell asleep!" I lied while smiling.

"Well Widow just called so we gotta leave." He pulled me up and I dusted the grass off my pants.

"For a kid you're pretty alright. If you guys ever need to make look awesome go ahead and stop on by at the V.A!" Sam grinned while waving goodbye.

A black car pulled up and the window winded down revealing Widow.

"Hello Onee-San I grinned while sitting down in the back seat." She gave Steve a quizzical look.

"You never told me Naruto was with you and without Sasuke no less that's a rare sight." She stated.

"Well I talked about Peggy and he was curious. Couldn't shake him off I guess." Steve shrugged.

"Well Kid, we're gonna have to drop you off at the house. Gotta go on a mission today." Steve said making me pout.

"I wanna go to..." I whined.

"You know we can't bring children on a mission." Widow rolled her eyes.


"No Buts." Steve cut me off with a stern look making me furrow my brows. Then I realized what he said and started chuckling.

"Hehe Butts." I mumbled to myself. Widow heard me and smirked to herself.

Steve arrived the next day with a not so happy face. He honestly surprised me when I woke up and saw him already dressed in casual clothes making breakfast.

"Morning squirt sleep well?" He asked.

"Ah..yes..." I chuckled weakly. He turned over to me and frowned placing a hand on my forehead like Iruka Sensei used to do.

"Hmm why're you so pale today? You could put Sasuke to shame." The soldier said worryingly.

"I keep having this really bad memory and it shouldn't matter anymore because it's different but it feels all to real for me." I explained vaguely. Steve looked to be deep in thought as he placed the last pancake on a plate.

"Maybe you have PTSD like many soldiers do." He concluded.

"PTSD?" I repeated clumsily due to the unfamiliarity of those words.

"Yes PTSD. Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder. We should go get you evaluated when I take you home." Steve suggested.

"Okay do you think it would help?" I asked.

"It's a start. But for now let's eat up and then go get dressed we're meeting Peggy." He smiled while patting my head.

"Okay!" I smiled back.

After we ate I changed into some clothes and grabbed my frog backpack with me. Steve was waiting for me in the living room and cringed when he saw me. It must be my handsomely good looks and awesomeness that blinded him I'm sure. Don't worry Steve San I would cringe to. (Outfit is at the top and you'll understand why Steve cringed)

"Let's go!" I cheered already at the door.

Once we made it to where she's staying I got to see the special lady up close and personal. But what I didn't expect to see was her dying. I could tell she doesn't have long she'd be lucky if she lived for another year.

"Hello Miss my name is Naruto and I'm 17- I mean 14 years old!" I smiled.

"Hello my name is Peggy it's nice to meet you young man. Steve I didn't know you had a son." She smiled gently.

"He's not my son! I haven't done stuff like that yet.." Steve's face turned a scarlet red.

" two look alike minus Narutos Slanted eyes I would've assumed you married someone of Asian decent." She chuckled.

"Nope! I don't have parents." I laughed.

"I misspoke I apologize." She frowned.

"Don't apologize it's in the past besides I like you Old Lady!" I beamed.

"If you were meaner and had a gambling addiction you would remind me of my Obaa-Chan!" I chuckled. Steve just stood back and watched nervously gauging on what Peggy's reaction would be.

"You have a very crude was of speaking young man. How do I remind you of her?" She asked looking amused. I ignored her first statement and answered her question.

"Despite your age you both have a warriors spirt. I can see it on you eyes you're very strong." I answered gently.

"You have keen eyes young man. It was nice talking to you Naruto. Is it ok if I talk with Steve alone?" She asked. I nodded my head and left the room.

'That old lady isn't all that bad!' I chirped to myself.

After 15 minutes Steve opened the door and told me that we were heading out to the V.A. I nodded my head and swung on my backpack following close behind him.

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