Chapter 11: Winter Soldier Arc||Compromised

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Clones POV:

My paws raced after Steve dodging the glass shards and broken pieces of wood that flew everywhere when he busted down doors and windows. I could see the other guy running on the roof at fast speeds. I pumped a little more chakra in my paws so I can run faster. Steve jumped out the window and onto the rooftop throwing his shield at the man. The man stopped and caught the shield looking at Steve menacingly.

He threw it back with a robotic whiz and Steve caught it having the force push him back a couple of feet. When Steve looked up the man was gone. He ran towards the end of the building and frowned not seeing the man anywhere.

I dispersed before he noticed me.

Narutos POV:

A bunch of cops and medical personnel surrounded the building a few minutes after o sent my clone. It's been about 10 more minutes until my clone dispersed.

"He escaped." I sighed leaning back on the hospital bed. If I was there we probably would've have him by now.

"Kit you're not as powerful as you were. Your powers will return when you hit your original age. And you can be very destructive I'm surprised you even have access to safe mode and rasengan shuriken. "

If only I could use Hiraishin damn world hop

Steve opened the door to the hospital room I was staying in with a tired look.

"How're you holding up kid?" He asked quietly.

"I experienced worse." I shrugged.

"Yeah but you just got shot that must've hurt-" I held my hand up silencing him.

"Jii-San I had my bestfriend break my ribs and force his hand through my chest. A small piece of metal may hurt like a bitch but I can tolerate it. Besides even if it took a huge chunk of skin which is kinda did, I heal quickly so I should be good as new by tomorrow!" I grinned giving him a thumbs up.

"Sasuke did what?!" Steve shouted in shock.

"I never said anything about Sasuke!" I tried adding while wincing.

"Who else is your bestfriend Naruto.." I heard him sigh.

"Got me there...How's the big guy is he doing alright." I asked changing the subject.

"He didn't make it." Steve choked out. My eyes widened at the news. I started to reminisce about the times he would scold Sasuke and I and give us words of wisdom and advice. I remember when he would discreetly give me limited edition instant ramen and candy when I was studying English and felt like giving up. He was like a meaner and scarier version of Jii-Jii lord third. And once again I was right there and I couldn't save him.

The words that I heard in my youth started echoing in my head.


'You're such an idiot Naruto!'

'Look at what you've done!'





"NARUTO! Breathe it's ok it's not your fault just breath for me kid." Steve shouted and immediately engulfed me in a hug.

My eyes widened and I started coughing trying to catch my breath. Steve exaggeratedly took in deep breaths in and out so I could copy. I inhaled slowly and then exhaled calming my breathing and letting the attack pass. I'm a soldier a ninja I can't mourn over every death...

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