Chapter 12: Winter Soldier Arc|| The Truth

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Steve stole a car and started driving us to New Jersey. He said that he learned how to steal a car in Nazi, Germany. The journey was long and boring so I decided to catch up on some much needed rest. I felt the car stop and woke up while stretching. My leg still wasn't fully healed and needed about half an hour more so I can be in fighting condition.

"Come on squirt. Do you still need to be held?" Steve asked. I nodded my head and he opened his arms so I can climb onto him.

"You want me to Henge into a smaller form it would probably be easier for you." I suggested.

"You're fine besides it must've been embarrassing pretending to be a kid." Steve mused. I blushed and nodded my head. 

"Come on guys let's look around." Natasha called out us.

We've been exploring for a few hours and still found nothing. I was getting bored and Steve shifted me from the 'princess carry' and made me face him so I can rest my head on his should as he held my bottom for support. I couldn't help but wonder if this is how it feels to have a father.



"Have you ever wanted to go back?" I asked quietly. He paused and then continued walking.

"Sometimes. One day I accept the fact of never going back the next I miss the familiarity and want to go back. Some days I get really homesick. But I mean being in the future isn't all that bad I got to meet you kid." Steve grinned causing me to chuckle.

"I guess you're right Old man."

"I can't pick up anything it's like a dead end. Whoever wrote the file must've used a router to throw people off." Widow grumbled. Steve looked off into the distance and Widow turned to where he was staring.

"What is it?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Army regulations forbid storing munitions within 500 yards away from the barracks. This building is in the wrong place." Steve explained while walking towards a store house. He put me down and used his shield to break the lock picking me up again. We both entered into the eerie looking building on guard. He flipped up a switch and lights slowly turned on.

"This is Shield.." I mumbled.

"Well, probably where it started from." Steve responded.

We walked around until I heard a draft. I shook out of Steve's hold having my leg being healed a long time ago. "There's a draft I think there's something behind it." I narrowed my eyes.

Steve pulled apart the book shelf revealing a secret elevator. Natasha presses in the pin and we all stepped inside the elevator.

"So when were you going to tell me you could walk?" Steve smirked.

"Didn't feel like walking!" I stuck out my tongue playfully. The elevator doors opened with a ding and Natasha walked out us following close behind. We were met with complete darkness when walking into the room. The lights slowly turned on when we stood in front of a bunch of machinery.

"This can't be the data point the technology is ancient." Widow scoffed. She paused when she saw a piece of modern technology and place the drive into it lighting up the rest of the room. The machines surrounding them lit up with life and made whirring sounds. The computer turned on and a scientist working for Hydra told us their entire plans. I was tired of hearing him speak every word pissing me off even more. I punched the computer on a fit of rage my eyes briefly flashing red instead of cerulean.

"I knew Hydra was still around but not to this extent.." Widow grimaced.

"As I was saying, I wrote an algorithm." Said the machine.

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