Chapter 5

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Narutos POV

When I woke up I could feel Sasuke right next to me sleeping like the dead. He must've been really tired. And our Chakra hasn't even been restored yet. His Chakra must've come back a little apparently if he could pull off those stunts. But whatever dry gas they gave me slowed down the process of restoring chakra.

I decided to meditate and go in my mindscape to check if Kuruma tou Chan was ok. When I opened my eyes again I was staring back at the familiar red bars. Kuruma was still asleep and looked really tired. I frowned and ran towards him and slipped through the bars to get a closer look.

"Tou Chan! Wake up!" I shouted while jumping up and down. He didn't move and I hugged his snout apologetically.

"I'm sorry..." I frowned.

I heard the door of the room open so I opened my eyes seeing a Black man with an eyepatch staring at me with a stern and suspicious look.

"You look like Killer Bee!" I gawked out loud. This Caused Sasuke to throw a pillow at me, mumbling a 'shut up' under his breath. I rubbed my head and glared at him but decided to let him rest.

"What is your name kid?" The man asked to take a seat on one of the chairs in the room. 

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. I am currently 12 years old. Thank you for saving Sasuke and I." I bowed my head in gratitude.

"It was no problem. Besides it wasn't a rescue mission you just so happened to be there." The man waved off my thanks.

"Now, where are you from and who exactly are you guys? We need to know how you were taken to the Lab and how long you've been there." A red haired woman asked with a poker face.

"Sasuke you should probably wake up for this." I sweatdropped while shaking Sasuke to wake up. Sasuke groaned and sat up with his hair sticking up in every direction. He gave me a fierce glare before turning to the other adults.

"Who are you." Sasuke asked in a cold tone.

"My name is Widow and this is Nick Fury, my boss. Now answer my question, ''Who are you?" Widow narrowed her eyes.

"Who I am is none of your concern." Sasuke sneered.

"We need to know who you are so we can return you to your parents." Bruce smiled sheepishly while stepping into the room.

"There's no need to. We don't have a family." I smiled.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that." Bruce frowned.

"Why are you sorry it happened a long time ago." Sasuke rolled his eyes. I slapped the back of his head and glared at him.

"Cut it out!" I growled.

"You cut it out! What did we say about talking to outsiders." Sasuke hissed.

"What the hell are you talking about." I hissed back.

"Dobe did you seriously forget the procedures?" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"I'm a ninja dammit! Fuck the procedures!" I shouted out in irritation.

"Ninja? How can that be your children?" Widow tilted her head.

"Well now that the cats are out of the bag. We are ninjas and we're not children. I'm 17 and he's 16. We are adults who killed more people than you did." Sasuke scoffed.

"Then why do you look 12 and he looks 10?" Fury narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"We don't know. We were supposed to die. But instead of dying we ended up here in this weird village." I shrugged.

"This isn't a village, it's a City." Widow corrected.

"A city? What the hell is even that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"We suddenly appeared in this world after fighting a god and-"

"Wait a god?! What's their name?" Another man popped in. He had a goatee and brown hair with glasses.

"You mentioned a god. We dealt with gods before too." The man shouted.

"'re too loud. And it was a very powerful goddess named Kaguya Otsutsuki. She was sealed on the moon by her son for thousands of years but was brought back by a creature named Zetsu. Naruto and I risked our lives to seal her completely once again." Sasuke explained.

"You mean you guys defeated this "powerful" goddess?" Tony snorted.

"Yes we did. You guys are considered small fry in our old world. And even if you didn't come and save us we would've escaped anyways. We don't need help from the likes of you." Sasuke sneered.

"Although Sasuke Teme's being rude he's right. We're ninjas and one of the most powerful ninjas in the world. We have seen war and carnage at a young age and witnessed many tragedies. Do not let our cute appearances confuse you." I added with a poker face.

"Are you threatening us?" Fury's tone became sharp.

"I'm not threatening you, I'm informing you. There's nothing to be scared of though. We're the good guys! Well at least I am. I only kill the bad guys I'm not so sure about Sasuke..." I frowned a little. We never really did have that sit down discussion of his mild teenage rebellious phase.

Thanks you for being patient with me. I stopped writing because life got busy and I had no motivation nor time. I was also dealing with many bad things that almost made go 😵. But I'm ok for now and I'll try my best to update HunterxHunter fanfic ^^

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