Chapter 15: Confessions and Dreams

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Naruto's POV:

When I arrived to the tower I was completely exhausted. So much happened and I wanted nothing more than to crash in my room.

"Kid! Capsicle just told me what happened, are you ok bud!" Tony asked checking me for further injury.

"I'm fine Mr. Stark just tired really tired." I smiled weakly.

"You really need to put your friend on a leash I don't know how many times we had to sedate your friend before he rushed over to where you were. We already have one ninja in danger we don't need both." Stark sighed.

"Really? He was that worried?" I asked bewildered.

"Yup it was honestly pain in the ass. You had us all worried kid. Glad to see you got back home safely." Stark smiled giving my shoulder a good squeeze before walking off.

I opened my room door and saw Sasuke turning around looking deathly pale with bags under his eyes.

"Wow you look like shit!" I laughed hysterically while pointing at him. A kunai narrowly missed my head and hit the wall behind me one inch deep into the wall. I started sweating nervously and coughed awkwardly ceasing my laughter.

"You problematic reckless DEAD-LAST BASTARD!!" Uchiha glared sharingan activated. He grabbed me by my collar and I closed my eyes expecting to get hit but was surprised to have been held in his arms.

"I thought I was going to be left here alone." Sasuke mumbled in my hair.

"I wouldn't be stupid enough to leave my bestfriend alone in a strange world like this!" I chuckled softly hugging him back.

"You must be tired. I'll give you a break and be nice to you for today." Sasuke huffed.

"This lowly servant humbly expresses gratitude to the merciful Uchiha-Sama!" I bowed dramatically. Sasuke elbowed me making me grunt and shut up. I ended up telling Sasuke everything that happened including Fury faking his death and deciding to remain "dead". I also brought Metal- Bucky and how I couldn't help but sympathize with Steve. Sasuke wince day that part but continued listening. When I told him about how I was shot, was temporarily deaf, and sprained my ankle tearing ligaments but still fighting he seemed to grow a distaste for Bucky swearing that he'd shove a chidori up his ass.

"It's getting late Dobe we should sleep." Sasuke stretches while yawning. He went to get up but I grabbed his wrist.

"Don't go.." I pleaded.

"Nightmares again?" He asked while cringing. I nodded my head.

"I don't understand why you would want me to be next to you when it's obvious I'm the main cause of your trauma!" Sasuke scoffed.

"Who told you I was having nightmares because of you?" I asked while sitting up.

"Who else would you have nightmares of Naruto! I almost killed you then threatened to destroy the everything you loved. Shit I don't blame you I still have nightmares about my aniki and I already know what happened!" Sasuke smiled bitterly.

"Sometimes you do scare me I can admit to that. But I'm more scared of not being able to protect the ones I love and care about! So many people died because I couldn't save them and I wasn't strong enough! Jiraiya, Kakashi Sensei, Jii-Jii, Iruka Sensei, Gaara! If I was just stronger and not weak I could be useful! But when I fail protecting my friends I can't bare to lose someone else close to me! I keep watching my friends die in front of me over and over again even though I know they're's painful." I choked out as my cerulean eyes glistened with tears. Sasuke froze and stared at me before tearing up as well.

"I won't let that happen anymore Dobe. Because I won't ever leave you again we're in this together you hear me. You're not alone anymore I promise as the heir of the Uchiha clan I will always be by your side. Because y-you're my friend!" Sasuke declared proudly while wiping my tears. Sasuke was like the brother I never had and I'm glad he was the one who was with me in this strange world.

We both fell asleep in my bed backs touching each other. When I opened my eyes I was staring back at a not so happy fox bijuu.

"So kit who am I not the boss of?" The fox seethed.

"Gomen Nii-Chan...I let my rage cloud my judgement.." I hung my head low in shame. I heard a sigh and looked up. Kuruma was in his human form wearing a simple black Yukata with red lycoris flowers surrounding us. His crimson eyes glowed beautifully and held a bit of warmth underneath his cold exterior. The demon had long silky red hair and 9 fox tails that sat comfortably on his tush. He was beautiful for a man and extremely powerful. Just like a Lycoris flower he was easy on the eyes but poisonous.

"Come's time for you to rest." His baritone voice commanded.

"Okay." I smiled laying on the demons lap as he gently stroked my hair like a mother would. He rarely goes in his human form because he finds humans ugly in general but he does so occasionally so I could lay on his lap.

"Sleep well Kit..." His voice soon faded and for once I had. A dream of everyone in Konoha alive and happy living nice lives with their own families. No Kaguya, No War, No Akatsuki, No Madara just peace.

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