9. Too Much To Handle

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"Where is she!" Alosa cries. Raven should've been back an hour ago. Lopez walks up to Alosa and closes his phone.

"Malcolm still won't pick up."

Masslie was in the ladies room. Who does Malcolm love? Was the only thing on her mind. Why wasn't he here. Is she right, does Malcolm love Masslie? He can't. They've been friends for too long. Fiona walks in the washroom. "What's up girly? Not having the birthday you wanted?"

"Not even the slightest bit Fiona. Where's Malcolm? Where's Raven?"

"Probably together," Fiona answers jokingly, "Since that's what they do." Masslie sighed, what if Fiona's right?

"Take me home," Masslie sighs. "I don't wanna celebrate anything." Fiona nods understandingly and takes Masslie back to her rent.

"That was a failure," Alosa mutters. She was at Fabio's again, with Quincy and Lopez.

"I cannot believe Malcolm and Raven blew off Masslie's birthday like that!" Lopez nodded, disappointed as well. Quincy and Alosa started to discuss wedding dresses, so Lopez had to leave.

Prius was slamming her fists banging on Raven's door. Finally it opens, to a red face teary eyed Raven. "And you're crying because?" Prius sounded angry. Raven stopped her crying.

"He loves Masslie," she announces. Then she walks back to her bed and weeps. Now, Prius felt a cold chill.

"Are you sure?" Prius inquires. Raven nods her head, slowly, depressingly. Prius rubs her back, wondering about how Masslie will react.

Fiona and Masslie were sitting in Masslie's rent. "Let's have our own birthday party!" Fiona decides. "This place have room service?" Masslie nods her head, but not wanting to know why Fiona asked.

"Fee. They only service to people twenty one or older. All room service contains alcohol," Masslie sounded worry. Fiona grinned a little evil smile and picked up the phone, dialling a number.

"Hello? Room service, uh yes! Could you bring up thirty Jell-O shots?" Fiona inquires. Masslie shakes her head furiously. "Alright then. I'm in room 2B. Be quick." Fiona hung up the phone and Masslie was about to strangle her, but instead she bursts into laughter.

"Underage drinking's against the law," Masslie reminds Fiona. Fiona shrugs it off.

"Just this once. To forget all the crappy things in life." Masslie sighs, no point of arguing.

Finally, the shots arrived. Masslie was still feeling weary about the entire idea. Fiona's hard to negotiate with though. "To my idiotic co workers. Who launched my fragrance three months early!" Fiona toasted, then slurped a Jell-O shot. Her eyes turned red and she wobbled. "Come on! You've gotta try this!" Fiona buzzed. Masslie was shaking her head, forcing herself to not be illegal. It didn't work.

"To the worst birthday in years!" Masslie squeaked. She abruptly took the Jell-O shot. "It tastes exactly like jello!" She cheered.

It was an hour later. They were as drunk as can be. Girls. Masslie was giggling for no reason necessary. And Fiona was gasping for air. "Why is the room so green?" Masslie mumbled. Fiona shrugged her shoulders. "Oh lord. I'm so drunk," Masslie moaned. "I'd probably tell you about me and Malcolm kissing."

"Kissing? You. And Malcolm? Aha. Don't flatter yourself," Fiona responded. Masslie rolled her eyes and tossed an empty shot cup at Fiona.

"It's true!" she assured. "At Rustin Beach. On his birthday! It was a dare, but still, it counts." Masslie explained the whole thing. Jell-O shots, not good to recommend.

"I cannot believe you did that to Raven," Fiona sighed. Masslie shook her head.

"You know she'd do the same!" Masslie defends herself. She flips her hair back. "Besides. I couldn't resist. He had his shirt off. He had an unfair advantage."

Masslie and Fiona started to cry into laughter. "We're so gonna regret this in the morning!" Fiona panicked. Masslie agreed, but instead of sleeping it off, they ordered thirty more shots.

Day five. Fiona woke up. Her head throbbing. Her eyes bloodshot and her breath disgusting. She was on the floor in Masslie's rent. "What the hell happened?" Suddenly Masslie woke up, different position as Fiona, but same hangover.

Abruptly they remember yesterday. "Oh no!" Masslie corked. Fiona was slapping herself awake. "We drank. We're horrible people."

"You and Malcolm kissed," Fiona remembers. Masslie gasps, not remembering she told Fiona that. "No. I can't believe you!" Fiona called.

"You're her friend! And you'd just do that?"

"It wasn't my fault! Malcolm dared me," Masslie needed back up. Fiona grabbed all her stuff and walked to the door.

"Malcolm is Malcolm. Think of what you did Masslie, I am not feeling sorry for you. But I am feeling sorry for Raven, she thought you were a friend." Fiona walked out of the rent.

Twenty Candles (Part of the Tx3U Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now