13. Confessions

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After a couple hours Malcolm left Fiona at the mall. He went back to the place he was staying and sat down on his bed. Texting.

Texting a girl he doesn't even know. #BlueberryBubblegum. Will he ever meet her? Doubt it, and Malcolm knows he hasn't forgotten about Masslie completely yet.

Knocking on Malcolm's door. He tosses his phone down on the bed. Walks over to the door and opens it. Opens it up to Raven. She races in, how many times will she come over unannounced? Always bothering Malcolm when she knows he's not interested. She's gone through desperation probably.

"Raven," Malcolm sighs.

"One question," Raven urges her voice to be louder. But it won't go any louder. "Why Masslie? Sure, you've known her longest, but we were more than friends."

"Um. Not true," Malcolm shakes his head. His phone starts to buzz. "Luckily for you. I've forgotten about Masslie," lies. "And also you. So please." He gestures to the door. Raven gulps, nods her head. Then, out of nowhere gives Malcolm one last kiss. Now she's gone.

Quincy and Lopez are sitting at home going through old yearbooks. They're looking at their one from grade eight. "Nice braces," Lopez says sarcastically. Quincy chuckles then slaps Lopez's shoulder.

"Now look at what wonders they did for me," she shows her teeth. Lopez nods his head and agrees. At least they worked.

"And besides," Quincy grinned when she saw this picture. She points it out to Lopez. "I'm not the one who tried to rock the sweater vest."

"Those were in before!" Lopez exclaims. Quincy shakes her head, sweater vests were never in.

Raven sat on a bus bench moaning. Not even wanting the bus, just needed a place to sit and cope. Even though it is right outside where Malcolm's staying. She didn't care. She doesn't care anymore.


Raven looks up from the ground only to see Malcolm. She doesn't answer, just looks back down. Not even crying this time.

Malcolm plants himself on the bench. "Don't you ever get tired?" Still no answer. "You know, chasing after someone you know doesn't chase you back." Raven kept her peace, stayed calm, stayed quiet, didn't take one glance at Malcolm. "I know I would. Masslie won't even look at me," Raven was now curling her fingers. "The thing is. After I got the message, I stopped. I just, stopped." Malcolm takes Raven's hand and places it in his. Raven jitters. "Raven. I might not like you how you want, but I still love you as a friend."

"Can't you find a way to think like me?" Raven finally talks. Malcolm shrugs his shoulders.

"Not right now, but. I promise you, when I first saw you I said 'that girl is hot'." Raven giggles. "And I was right," Malcolm kisses Raven's temple. "Friends?" Raven tilts her head to look right into Malcolm's eyes. She gives a polite smile.

"Friends. With benefits."

"Not anymore," Malcolm laughs. Raven sighs.

"Fine," she grins. "Friends."

"Can you keep a secret?" Masslie inquires. Alosa nudges her head and shrugs her shoulders.

"Maybe. Maybe not. It matters about how juicy the secret is, but. If it's juicy but top secret, then I'll keep my lips shut and my mouth closed."

"This is top secret," Masslie replies. "Okay?" Alosa nods her head. Masslie couldn't hold it back from everyone, so she tells Alosa the entire thing.

"I can't believe it's been seven years, Jason," Prius and Jacen were in his car. His limousine. "Life went pretty well for you."

"Thanks. How 'bout you?"

"Oh. I'm jobless," Prius explains. "I don't attend any college, online or outside. I've been traveling, I've finally been to Switzerland, beautiful place. And, my best friend thinks I'm an evil manipulative witch."

Jacen stroke a curl in Prius's hair. "Well, if your friend thinks that. She's crazy," and he places his lips on Prius'.

Alosa and Masslie were now at a public jungle gym. "This was created for me," Alosa whispered. After, she started to scream and raced over to a climbing rope. Masslie decided to just watch.

"If I get all the way up, you're coming up with me!" Alosa decides. Masslie nods her head, it's not like Alosa can anyway.

In about two minutes she reached to the top. Masslie's jaw dropped. A deal's a deal. She spits on her hands and rubs them, then jumps and grabs a hold of another rope. "You could do it!" she hears Alosa cheer. A few seconds later Masslie's down on the mat, panting.

Alosa slid down the rope. "Ouch, rope burn!" Alosa comes and kneels down next to Masslie, she begins to giggle. "Good job!"

"Oh save it. I barely got halfway," Masslie complained. Gasping for air, it was a hard fall. Alosa rubs Masslie's forehead. "I was never good at jungle gym."

"I know," Alosa chuckles. "Come on, let's go get ice cream.

"We already had milkshakes," Masslie moans. Alosa grabs her hand and stands her up. "I'm in the mood for something savoury."

"Fine. Let's go get hot wings."

"Much better."

Twenty Candles (Part of the Tx3U Trilogy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz