Chapter 15.

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"How about this one?" Boonie asks making me look up and stare at the handgun, shaking my head she sighs and gives it back to the store assistance.

"Come on, Letty, I'm hungry and you know Santino will love anything you give him," She pouts making me nod in agreement as I walk out of the store and to the mall a couple of blocks down the street.

"I just wanted to get him something that he really wants you know," I whisper to her as we enter the mall, It was mine and Angelo's birthday tomorrow so I was stuck on getting everything last minute since I was busy helping mother at the business the whole week.

"I know but he's your twin he'd love you even if you gave him an avocado, and you know how much he despises avocados," She giggles remembering the time we pranked him and placed avocados all around his room so when he woke up in the morning all you heard was this high-pitched scream.

And automatically my parent's, the maids and the guards had thought it was me and rushed to me in an instant only to be left confused as we all rushed to his room to see him standing on his bed holding his heart as he stared at the avocados like they were going to kill him.

Obviously I had busted into laughter as my parents' looked at him in disbelief, and from that day forth we haven't brought a single avocado into the house.

I laugh as I look to Boonie "I guess you're right," I smile ordering my food and moving to a seat with Boonie right beside me.

We sat down in a seat a couple of feet away from a store that had Santino's favorite jewelry-making me smile as I stare at the shop making it a definite to look at it once we finished our meals.

Hald way threw our meal a sticky substance dribbled down the back of my white blouse making me shriek in horror, turning quickly I turn to see Nikky and Holland standing next to each other with vicious grins making my blood boil to the core.

"Oops," was all Holland says before I send her flying into nearby tables with a swift kick.

"Oops," I grunted out grabbing my raspberry soda and walking towards her tipping the drink on her staining her full white clothing "Double oops," I sneered walking away fast with a pissed-off looking Boonie.

We walk into the store filled to the brim of expensive men's jewelry, clothing, and shoes, Boonie walks over to the clothes section while I walk over jewelry.

I spot a stunning pair of black diamond earrings matched with an equally as dark chain the glittered with little black diamonds in bedded into it, looking around I spot a Titan black Rolex, Daytona Red Titan watch.

Santino has always wanted one of those which makes me smile.

Walking up to the Cashier I told him the items I wanted including the black and red jordans.

The cashier comes back with a look on her face making me frown as she pops the bubble gum obnoxiously loud before turning to me with a smirk.

"Are you sure you can afford all this," she says rather rudely making me narrow my eyes at her "I mean by the way your shirt is stained it seems as though you can't really afford this stuff," she grins making people look at the girl appalled by her rude comments.

"Get me, Gavin," I sneered at the cashier as her eyes widened at the mention of her boss who happens to be my older cousin "Now," I grunt starting to tap my foot rather impatiently.

"You did it now," Boonie snickers as the Cashier rushes off to find my cousin.

Minutes later Gavin comes out with a frown on his face but it instantly brightens as he notices me standing at the counter with a frown on my face.

"Little cousin, what do I owe the pleasure," He smiles opening his arms wide awaiting me for an embrace.

Rolling my eyes I walk into his embrace and hug him tightly.

"Now what seems to be the problem," he asks getting to the point.

"Your rather Lovely," I hissed shoot her daggers making Gavin look at me before starring at his employee with shock "Cashier says I can't afford any of the items I picked for Santino," I seethed as Gavin turns to his employee in disbelief.

"Natasha, you don't know who you just talked down on do you," He shakes his head in disappointment "Natasha this is my baby cousin, Scarlett Salvatore, daughter to Caspian and Sofia Salvatore richest business couple to walk the earth," Gavin states proudly as he announces his Aunty and Uncle's success.

"Please, Gavin," I shake my head just wanting to go home, wrap these presents and go to sleep.

"I'm terribly sorry Ma'am," Natasha hurries out making me roll my eyes not in the mood anymore.

"Please just hurry so I can pay and leave," I grumbled as I wait for the total to come up "Gavin, I expect to see you at the dinner party tomorrow, yes," I say turning to my cousin as the cashier scans my items.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world," He says making me grin lowly and nod my head at him.

"Good," I say before turning to the flustered cashier "Total please,"

"Right, uh...t-that'll be uh," She stammers making me grunt in disbelief as she cannot complete a simple sentence.

"Spit it out women," I snapped as she quickly nods her head.

"Uh, uh...$278,317 dollars," she squeaked.

I pull the platinum gold card from my pocket and wave it across the screen of the keypad, I watch as she quickly but carefully place all items into the black and red bag before wishing me a good day and hurrying away from me and a bored-looking Boonie.

"Let's go," I mutter hugging my cousin before leaving the store and heading towards the parking lot.

What a day........

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