Chapter 16.

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"Happy birthday sweetie," I hear a soft whisper from beside me making me stir in my sleep.

I open my eyes slightly to see my mother and father standing in front of me with wide smiles making me smile back at them.

"Morning momma, papa," I mumbled turning in my bed smacking the skin of someone.

Turning I see my brothers' all asleep cuddled up to each other on the other half of my bed making me grin, reaching past my fathers' large shoulders as he was crouched in a kneeling position I pull my phone from my bedside drawer and take a quick snap of them saving it to my secret gallery.

"Actually it's the afternoon honey," dad chuckles making the boys stir in their sleep, looking over at my clock I notice it's past 2:50 in the afternoon making me shoot up from my sleeping position successfully waking my brothers' in the process.

"Don't worry, Boonie came over this morning and figured you'll sleep rather late so she said she will come over at 3," mom grins.

"Mom," I whine rushing into my closet and pull out a pair of clothes for the day before I rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth, fix my hair and wash my face before sliding into my clothes.

"Boonie said she'll pick you up, so come downstairs for some, well, lunch I guess," Dad frown confusing himself which makes me laugh but he just pouts before smiling placing a kiss to my forehead "wake your brothers'," he said before walking out t...

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"Boonie said she'll pick you up, so come downstairs for some, well, lunch I guess," Dad frown confusing himself which makes me laugh but he just pouts before smiling placing a kiss to my forehead "wake your brothers'," he said before walking out tugging my mother behind him.

I turn to see my brothers' all fast asleep making me grin, I ready as I grab a large cup that I kept in my bathroom for god knows what reason and fill it to the brim with water.

I know all of my brothers' fears, Santino has a fear of Avocado, Vitale baby powder and Monte's was freezing cold tap water.

Quickly I pull out the baby powder from a cabinet in my bathroom before rushing down the stairs and past my parents who hold a confused look.

"Where are the boys," Mom asks looking at me in question as I dig for the mashed up avocado in the back of the fridge, grinning as I see the green mash I pull it out and turn around with a wicked look.

"Going to wake them up now," I smile as my parents stare at me in horror as they realize what I'm doing.

"Sweetie," Mom says making me smile innocently before rushing off towards the stairs.

The sounds of the kitchen chairs scraping against the floor of the kitchen making me run faster, I set my phone up somewhere in my room where the boys wouldn't notice it before I get started on my master plan.

Yes, I know they slept in my room but who cares it's my birthday I'm allowed to have a little bit of fun.

Standing over them at the foot of my bed I throw the water on them making them shoot up as Monte let's out a bitch like scream, I grab the baby powder and smack the bottom of it as the cloud of powder comes out in large gushes I laugh as Vitale lets a girlie squeal out as he, and finally I grab the mashed Avo and spread it all over my hands slapping all of them in the face leaving a green hand mark.

"Happy Birthday, you filthy animal!" I scream at the top of my lungs and rushing out, it takes a couple of seconds before the loud banshee scream of Santino is heard making me snicker as I quickly rush down the stairs and hide behind my father who walked in looking shocked while my mother just laughs like there's no tomorrow.

"I correct you now sweetie, isn't it suppose to be," Mom winks as she piles a heap of mustard on her hand before smashing it into fathers face as he too lets out a rather girl like scream "Merry Christmas, you filthy animal!" she screams as we run out just as I hear a toot of Boonies car making me pull my mother out of the house and into the cherry-red Porsche to see a shocked Boonie.

"Drive!" My mother and I scream as we see all four men charging out the door, Boonie steps of the pedal and it sends us flying down the road as my mother and I laugh.

"I won't even ask," Boonie mutters amused handing us some wipes that she usually has in her glovebox, thanking her I start cleaning my hands and face from the Avocado and baby powder before tossing the wipes into the plastic bag.

The whole afternoon was spent with mom and Boonie showering me with gifts and taking me on a shopping spree, to getting a pedicure and manicure before going to my favorite cafe and finishing the day with getting me a dress for the birthday party.

I was getting ready for the party and I had just finished with my hair.

My make had set, my hair looked perfect now all I had to do was get into my dress and then I was set to go.

My make had set, my hair looked perfect now all I had to do was get into my dress and then I was set to go

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I slipped my feet into the white strap heels before standing to look at my appearance in the mirror.

Smiling to myself I push away a strand of perfectly curled hair before huffing and placing a little more lip gloss on before walking out the door.]

Walking down the hall my shoes click against the black and white marble floor making my brother turn to me with a large smile, I had his gifts wrapped up and placed in a black shiny gift bag that was hanging from my arm.

"Happy birthday Cicatrice," he smiles moving towards me and placing a soft kiss to both of my cheeks.

"Happy birthday Rhett," I smile kissing his left cheek before looping my left arm threw his right since I was holding the gift bag in my right.

"Let's go see our guest huh," he whispers as I smile at him in response.

Let's get this party started.

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