Chapter 24.

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"Do you think I'm doing the right thing," I hiccup into my mothers' lap as she strokes my hair.

"In my opinion no sweetie, I don't, but it's not about what I think or want, it's about what you think you should do, and what you want," She whispers placing a kiss on my damp cheek.

"I want to keep it momma, but I don't want it in a world that can be so unforgiving," I whimper looking at the beautiful painting on my wall through teary eyes.

"Okay," was her simple answer.

After a while of silence, my eyes started to grow heavier and heavier by the minute.

The sound of my door opening and close alerts both my mother and me, making me sit up straight and my mom to lift her head.

"May I," Dimitrio asks raising his hands and gesturing to the bed.

"I'll give you two sometime,"

I give mom a nod making her stand and place a kiss to my head before walking out of the room.

"So, when are we going to get this abortion," he whispers just as my brothers and Constantino walk into the room making me sigh.

"In a couple of days," I mumble looking to the floor.

"We're all here," Vitale mumbles pulling me to his chest while the others stay silent.

"Thanks," I whisper.

It's currently Friday and the game is after school, my squad is setting up and hyping the school up while I sit here in a waiting room with my brothers', mother, and the guys.

"How're you feeling?" Monte asks staring at all the other mothers who are waiting to get an abortion just like me.

"Nervous," I whisper truthfully.

"Do, you know if he is coming," Vitale questions taking ahold of my hand while giving me a reassuring smile.

"I don't-" I was cut off by a throat clearing making everyone in the waiting room look up, only for some to look down in disappointment while others, like myself, gawk at the man before us.

"Hi," he whispers, his eyes were dull as he takes in the waiting room with unshed tears, his hair is sticking up, and his clothing was slightly wrinkled.

"Angelo," I whimper standing to my feet and rushing over to him, letting him pull me into his chest and tightly wrapping his arms around my slightly tiny body.

"I'm here amor," he whispers placing a kiss to my head.

I cried into his shirt for a good three minutes before my name is called making me sigh.

I feel like that's all I've been doing lately, sighing to this, sighing to that.

"Only one family member please," the nurse says looking to everyone.

"Mrs. Salvatore, please take care of her," Angelo whispers pulling away from me before placing a kiss to my lips and handing me off to my mother who sends him a small smile even though her eyes were burning daggers into his forehead.

We walked down the brightly lit hallway following the nurse to a room where she instructed me to get changed into a light pink nighty gown and then proceeded to lead me to a bed.

"So, we're going to give you a drug that will put you to sleep okay," the nurse who introduced herself as Kathie.

"Okay," I whispered.

She pushed the needle into my arm and that's when the thoughts of what could be the future came rushing to my brain.


"It's your turn," I grumble to Angelo who grunts back.

"But I did it last night," He whines.

"Well, you can do it tonight as well," I mumble pushing my face further into the plush pillow, the sound of Angelo groaning making me smile before he hops out of the bed and walks towards the door, "I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too, princess," He whispers.

Six years later

"Momma! Momma! Look!," It was a sweet and delicate voice that called out to me, I couldn't make out the gender or the face, everything was blurred out "Momma! Uncle Dimitrio is going to get me!" another voice screamed making me turn and look in the other direction.

"Dimitrio, be careful," I scold my best friend who turns to me and smiles sheepishly.

Twelve years later.

"Look what I got mom!" The sound of my twelve-year-old screams.

"No! look at what I got," Another voice screams making me cringe.

"You two have been scream since you guys could talk, momma is trying to work, please go find your dad," I whine as my children giggle before running off.

Eighteen years later.

"You best run," I growl at my kids as they stare at each other before dashing "Imma kill you, you little shits!" I scream as their laughter fills the house.

"We're sorry mom!" They scream back making me run fast, only to slam into a wall.

"Woah, relax tiger," I look up and see Angelo's face "Wow, I like the new look," He grins making me slap his head.

Present time.

"No!" I scream shooting up scaring the nurse, and the doctor who was currently down by my lower region.

"She should be asleep," The doctor says looking at the nurse who only shrugs "Get her back under, I haven't started," He growls as the nurse advances towards me holding yet another needle.

"Get away from me!" I shout kicking the doctor in the face causing him to sprawl across the ground.

I pull at the wires and leads that had me connected to the machines, my vision started to haze as I stumble across the operation room.

"Mom, mom where are you," I whimper as I open the door.

"Get her back in here," I hear the doctor growl out making me make a run for it.

"Mom! Angelo!" I scream.

I rush down the hall and make a right turn before I stumble into the waiting room where my family and the guys were waiting.

They stand up in alert as they take in my nighty gown "No," I whimper running towards Angelo and wrapping my arms around him tightly "They're going to take my babies," I cry out as I feel him relax.

"Where'd she go," a voice growled making my family pull out their guns and hold them up, the doctor and nurse come skidding around the corner before stopping. Screams littered the air as women dropped to the floor or ran out of the room.

"Stay away from her," my brothers growled just as I slipped into a deep sleep.

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