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Three hours ago:

I just barely dodged this last explosion but the person standing next to me wasn't so lucky. Her leg blown off and she started sobbing. I felt awful so I picked her up and carried her through the fire to the medics.

"Where is her leg?" They asked me.

"It got blow up, why else do you think I'm here?"

"No I mean we probably could have reattached it. This is a clean cut." The nurse groaned.

"Fine. I'll go find the leg." I tell her.

So I did. I found her leg. I didn't know what I expected but I definitely didn't expect to be finding legs on a battlefield. The nurses told me that she would live and that she would have to thank me for saving her leg.

It's not that big of a deal, I mean I'm sure anyone would have saved her leg for her. When I got back in the battle I was worried. We were losing people quickly and we were losing ammo even faster.

I need to stop this madness. I know exactly what I need to do. I'm going to sell my soul to the devil. And by that I mean I'm going to visit my mom.

I looked and made sure Lorelei was okay. I found her and she was fighting off a horde of Brights coming after her. I wanted to help but she can't know I'm leaving. She would just talk me out of it. I can't have that happening. Not when I can save everyone.

I made sure no one was looking and slipped away. I know most people would consider that ditching but It's for a worthy cause. I ran to the garage where we keep all the jeeps.

I hotwire one and back out of the garage. When I try to drive I catch the eyes of a Bright Squadron in the back. They start to run after me but I drive faster than I had ever driven before. I needed to stop this before Lorelei gets hurt.


I've been driving for three hours now and I think I'm almost there. In the distance I think I see buildings but I can't be sure. I hope I'm almost there, the jeep is almost out of gas and as you can probably tell there isn't going to be a gas station.

I push the jeep to go faster. I need to go faster. I need to save Lorelei. The buildings in the distance get larger and larger until I am almost in the city. Surrounding the city is a wall. Trying to keep unwanted things out of the city I guess.

Hopefully if Alexandra planned this the way she did the guards will let me in. I drove to the gate and it was weird willingly going into the Bright City. I guess this is just where my life has led me.

"Where is your badge?" The gate guard asked me.

"I don't have one." I tell him.

"No badge, no entrance." he told me.

"Her highness Alexandra is expecting me." I assure him.

"Name?" He asked skeptically.

"My name is Elijah."

"Oh go on in. You know you could have led with that." He smiled.

I drove my jeep further into the wall. I got stopped so my vehicle could be searched. They took my gun and my water canteen. I don't really know why they took the canteen but whatever floats their boat.

As I was driving I got stopped by a fancy looking Bright in a suit.

"Excuse me but your mother insists that we drive you to the family mansion." He tells me.

I really didn't have a choice in the matter so I decided it would be better if I willingly went with him. I got out of my jeep and followed him to his car which was kind of like a futuristic limo.

When we finally got out of the wall I was amazed by what I was seeing. All the buildings were built of glass. They looked rustic but modern at the same time. The night sky that held all the stars against the beautiful cityscape looked like it came straight out of a storybook.

We drove through the city and I practically had my face pressed up against the windowsill. The city is so captivating that I couldn't help but stare. And It was clean too.

"We call it the City of Glass." The Driver told me.

"I can see why." I gawked.

"Your uncle had it built for your mother. Two nights ago I remember." The driver smiled.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"My name is Brendon."

"Are you apart of my-their-my family?" I asked.

"No, I'm just their driver." Brendon smiled.

Then we pulled up to a mansion that puts the word "mansion" to shame. It is big enough to be a palace.

"Well we are here. Just go inside and The Highest Order will talk to you soon." Brendon advised me.

I remember The Highest Order. He is my uncle, the twin brother to my mom. And runs the whole enchilada. I walked up the driveway and the front entrance. I was about to knock when I realized I probably shouldn't knock on my own house's door.

I walked in and was immediately greeted by a house maid. She was pretty young, almost too young to be a house maid.

"Excuse me miss. Do you know where my- Alexandra is?" I asked her softly.

"You're talking to me?" Her voice almost seemed as small as she was.

"Of course I'm talking to you. Who else would I be talking too?" I asked her.

"Well , it's just that my masters never talk to me in that tone." she seemed to shrink in a corner.

"Oh I apologize miss, was I being rude?" I asked her.

I really didn't want to offend anyone on my first day of being here.

"No, not at all. My masters only yell at me. You are the first one to speak to me like a normal Bright." Her eyes were like a deer in headlights.

"Oh my goodness. What an awful life you must live." I gasped.

She was about to answer me when she got interrupted by a loud speaker outside.


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