chapter 6

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I made my way into the cafeteria, already done with today.

President mics voice still rang in my ears from when he was teaching us English. I was so, so damn close, to ripping his vocal cords out. Unfortunately, the bell rang before I could get my lazy self up from my desk.

As I started walking towards my lunch table, whispers arose around me. I didn't catch many, but the ones I did had my blood boiling.

"I heard he pays people to sleep with him."

"midoriya? Yeah, Uraraka said something about him sleeping with other people's mates, what a slut."

"someone told me that he hurts himself."

"apparently his mates rejected him because he refused to stop sleeping with other people..."

I spare a glace around the spacious room, both my brothers and mates coming towards me with worried looks. My eye twitches as I realize just about everyone was whispering, only a few handfuls of people trying to defuse the situation.

Walking fast so no one can stop me, I go up to my lunch table, finding both Iida and Uraraka talking to each other.

"hey Uraraka-chan!" I greet, big smile on my face. Whether its fake or not is irrelevant.

With an annoyed huff she turns to face me, glaring as she speaks, "what deku."

I let my smile fall by some, putting a hand over my heart in an overly dramatic way.

"ouch. And here I was just coming to tell you that I'm proud of you,"

Her face morphed into a confused one. It does that a lot. Poor girl.

"you're... proud? For what..."

By now the whole room was listening and the ones that weren't were beginning to. Todoroki, bakugou, kiri and denki behind me now, looking ready to pounce on me if I tried anything stupid.

"silly bean! I'm proud that you're spreading something other than your legs for once!"

There was a beat of silence before the room erupts into laughter.

All but Todoroki of course. I swear, he'd be the king at try not to laugh.

Her whole face goes red and she turns her glare onto Iida who immediately stops laughing. Spinning around to look at me again she stammers, "y-yeah? Says you, paying people to sleep with you. I'm not the slut, you are."

The cafeteria falls into silence again, only a few snickers coming out of people from Uraraka's come back.

I roll my eyes, folding my arms over my chest as I speak, "Mm-hmm. Says the one sleeping Iida even though you both already have mates." Both their eyes go wide, laughter replaced by growls.

Cheating on a mate was a big no-no. It physically hurts to be cheated on by a mate. And in extreme cases it can even lead to suicide.

"y-you're just jealous!" she shouts, her face as red as Kirishima's hair.

"I'm jealous of people who don't know you," I shoot back, snickers and chuckles going around once again.

"yeah well at least I parents!" silence.

It takes everything in me not to pounce on her, the only thing stopping me bung a hand of one of my mates on one shoulder, and a brother's on the other.

"and I couldn't feel any worse for them!" I scream at her, watching her face somehow get darker.

"I'd slap you but that would be animal abuse!" we're both screaming now, my face red out of anger, and her embarrassment.

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