chapter 20

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short and crappy chapter ahead. you have been warned

It was silent for a spit second before, "he what?!" toga, Dabi, Shigaraki and a few others who actually gave a shit about what happened to me exclaimed, the rest just kinda left, already bored with the situation.

Don't fool yourself, they're using you

"well not a full demon, more of a hybrid, half werewolf half demon." He elaborated, as if that would make it all okay. I didn't actually care about what it was, in fact I kinda thought it was cool. And besides, a change of species doesn't make me any less of a crazy freak...

"oh, in that case you did nothing wrong," Dabi drawled with narrowed eyes.


"sarcasm dude," someone from the small crowd whispered, causing phoenix to frown.

"dammit, and I was just getting the hang of it too."

"I don't see what the big problem is." I speak up from next to the scared alpha, startling everyone but, once again, phoenix.

"see, he's fine with it." phoenix whines to Shigaraki, not wanting to get punished for this. I'm not sure why he's so scared. All he has to do it the washing... actually never mind, doing the league's washing sounds like a living nightmare.

"that's not the point," Shiggy grumbles, scratching at his neck. "its not that it's a bad thing little bird. Its more that you now have an extreme amount of power, even more than before, along with a handful of new abilities such as compulsion, your wings obviously, heightened senses and strength, hell fire and your own personal talent. You could easily lose control and hurt someone or worse, yourself-"

"aww you care for me!" I interrupt, smiling brightly.

"shut it... brat." He growls, his blush hidden by his father's hand but still noticeable. That only seems to make him scratch at his neck more. Dabi, snapping out of some sort of trance steps forward, grabbing his mate's wrists in a firm grip, moving them away from the scratched up and bleeding neck. "stop that idiot, before I-" the rest of his words go unheard for he had leaned down and whispered in the young leaders' ear. Tomura's reaction however was speaking volumes, and boy was it amusing. Well at least I think it was by the chuckles around the few villains left. I had no clue as to what was happing, as usual.

Shiggy, deciding to ignore his mate though by the squirming and slight struggle against the formers hold, he was clearly not doing it well, continued speaking.

"you'll also have... urges. Not to mention your temper will- what the fuck are you doing?!" he exclaims upon finally looking at me again. Everyone else was either silent from shock or quietly snickering.

"you're boring me," I comment, wrapping my legs around the thick wire of the light before hanging upside down, my wings wrapping around me so I'm no longer visible to the outside world.

"wha-get down from there little bird! you're not a bat!" the blue haired male orders.


"I'll disintegrate your wings!"

"you forget Shiggy," I say with a tsk, opening my wings so I could see Shigaraki, a mock look of disapproval on my face. Upon seeing his confused face, along with a few other villains save from Dabi who just smirked and rolled his eyes, I added, "I like the pain." Before closing myself in the white wings that I will have to get used to again.

"brat! This is serious! You're a whole other species! Your going to need help so-" I tune him out, bored as I start swing back and forth, the wire and light moving with me.

My thoughts don't really go anywhere, not at first anyway. Just small things, such as how I haven't eaten in three days, the last thing having been Shigaraki's cake. Or how controlling my wings was as easy as using my arms and limbs. But then the school's talent contest came to mind. How I had given both Katchan and Todoroki a song for we weren't allowed to preform together, same with my two brothers shinso claiming that he had already written himself a song.

I wonder how they are doing... I was supposed to return tomorrow but I'm not too sure I can do that anymore...

You're the reason aunty is missing right now

no, those three fuckers were supposed to look after her but they fucking failed!

Why wasn't I out there looking for her right now? Or at the very least why wasn't I covered in those cowards' blood?! The very thought that three of the four reasons why my aunty was missing were alive had my blood run cold. I hardly noticed the change of temperature in the room until Dabi spoke up.

"kid, you good? It's gotten awfully hot in here and I'm fairly certain it's not just because I'm here."

I'm about to reply. Say that I'm fucking fantastic and that I couldn't be bloody better, when a tired rough voice of a beta I've grown to despise in the span of 6 hours echoes through the near silent room.

"why the fuck are you guys out here at 2 in the morning?" I don't have to look to know that the two omegas are with him, there always together. But that wasn't important right now, all I cared about was the overwhelming need to rip my K-9s into their throats as my talons tear them to shreds.

"this should be good," I hear someone mumble as I uncover myself, red eyes shining brightly in the dimly lit room before I rip off the collar on my neck and leap onto the hard ground, eyes hard and unblinking as I stare at the three soon to dead wolves, feeling something inside me snap the second the beta mumbles something about aunty not even being worth this...

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