chapter 28

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Okay, before you all kill me, please keep in mind that I have a family that will miss me. I think. Maybe... *Squints at nothing* I'ma go ask my mum something, completely unrelated to anything above 😅

Trigger warning- slight sexual abuse. (it does not go far, I cannot write this stuff without having a panic attack) I will put a warning before it starts

The drive back to the dorms was a quiet one. It wasn't an awkward silence, both of us drawing in our own thoughts. Well that was until president mic called to say some students, including shinso snuck out and were spotted at one of the local clubs. The silence instantly got thick after I laughed only to shut up immediately when da-... aziwa. When Aziwa, glared at me, shutting me up in seconds.

Ha, you totally almost called him dad!

Like he would ever want you

Way to ruin a cute moment... dick

We're supposed to ruin the cute moments you imbecilic potato

"potato?" I whisper in confusion, shrugging off aziwa's questioning stare as we drive towards the club shinso was seen entering. Upon arriving at said club aziwa instructs me to stay in the car whilst he goes and fetches the sleep deprived spawn from hell. His words, not mine. Some other teachers were coming to collect the others but apparently president mic demanded to get shinso out of there immediately. Actually, scratch that, I'm pretty sure America heard the man demanding his husband to get the purple haired teen out then worry about the others later.

So, naturally, as soon as the older man was out of sight, I slipped out of the car and into the club, questioning the bouncer's skills as I weave through the mass of grinding bodies. In the corner of my eyes I see shinso being dragged out of the place, making me turn and wave, catching his attention I wave before slipping out of his sight.

Giggling, I push someone off their seat, pointing at the man who had just walked by with large innocent eyes when he turns to me with narrowed ones. Once he's gone, presumably to beat the shit out of some innocent dude, I slip onto his seat, smiling at the bartender who saw the whole thing.

"I'll have six shots please," I order, allowing my eyes to grow wide when he doesn't budge.

"please? I've had a pretty shitty day, what with all the people looking down on me, honestly, I'm an omega, not a baby." Upon hearing that I'm an omega, the bartender's eyes grow soft.


"... okay fine," I flash him a shy smile, internally cackling as he slides six shot classes over filled to the brim with clear liquid. Honestly, he's obviously one of the people who think omegas are weak, I could literally smell his want to protect me, yet he's giving me, an obvious minor, six shots of alcohol in a club packed with horny adults. Idiot.

I knock back the shots anyway, wincing slightly at the burning feeling before a goofy smile makes it's way onto my face.

Well that certainly happened fast

What do you expect? Its deku for Christ sakes. He gets drunk off donuts.

Ignoring them, I push myself up and wander into the crowd, letting myself get lost in the music. The drunken brake away from reality didn't last long however, and before long I was back to my normal, if not tipsy, self.

Mumbling to myself, I stumble off the dance floor. "stupid... demon half-blood... no far, I'mma kill phoenix. Shinso can still fuck him. oops, I swore, dats a no no. And phoenix would be the one doing the fucking, such a stupid mistake..."

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