chapter 42

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Just a quick note before you guys get into this chapter. I've had some people asking/complaining about why I did not put tododeku as one of the options in my new story. There is a reason behind this. Todoroki, in this new story, will have autism, and Deku will have BPD. neither would be able to give the other what they need and the relationship would just be plain toxic. Todoroki wouldn't understand why Deku acts the way he does and Deku wouldn't know how to help todoroki during a meltdown. I will not wright about a toxic relationship that last a whole story. Please respect this.

Also, as I've briefly mentioned before, all demons have an individual ability. For example Phoenix can freeze time (his is quiet powerful because of who his parents are). I haven't shown Deku's yet mainly because I don't know what it should be. I need some ideas, it can't be overpowered but I also want to to be strong and potentially deadly. Please help.

Sorry for the late update, I cut this chapter short so you'd at least get something. Writer's block sucks escpesily (cant bloody spell) when you've been stuck in a house for two weeks with no inspiration. 

3rd person

Days pass without any sign of Deku.

By now the whole school was talking about the events that has transpired down in the auditorium, some online blogs even having gotten their hands on some video footage. It was all anyone ever spoke about, whispers following the two alphas wherever they went.

Many people had suddenly backed Deku up. People who were once supporting the alphas could now be seen glaring at them. the same people who had once said no one would ever hurt an omega the way Deku was claiming were now spitting curses at the two older mates, telling the pair that they should have noticed and listened to him instead of turning a blind eye despite the fact that that's what everyone had done.

They didn't pay much attention to the words thrown at them from across the hall, or the murmured threats that were quickly taken care of. They didn't bat an eyelash at the thrown food nor the whispered rumours that covered them like shadows.

They didn't care enough to stop or report it, only reacting when either one heard someone talking shit about the other or god forbit Deku. So, they let it happen. Day after day as they struggled to make things right with their missing mate.

They closed themselves off more, immediately ditching Uraraka and her group of friends minus Sero and Jiro who ended up leaving with them. Jiro had even punched Uraraka in the face during class (over what, no one knows) before leaving with some choice words whispered under her breath.

No one stopped her.

When the seventh day of no Deku came around the alphas once again tried to approach their mate's brothers. They'd tried before but it ended with Todoroki leaving with a bloodied nose and Bakugou sporting a black eye.

Kirishima had been smug the whole day.

Shinso had been absent ever since Deku left so it was only Kirishima and Denki in the Common room, both cuddled up on the couch when Todoroki and Bakugou had found them.

A few people littered the room, studying or simply whispering to each other.

Neither of the cuddling mates looked happy to see them, Kirishima even going as far as turning the TV up full blast whilst his mate buried his face deeper into the book he had been reading.

"Ignore us all you want we're not leaving until you tell us where he is." Bakugou speaks, his mate silent beside him.

"he's safe and away from you, that's all that matters." The words were spoken after a small pause, a single pair of red eyes, sliding over to met with the two standing wolves in the room.

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