chapter 31

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TW- mention of self harm and sexual abuse

"names are just meaningless sounds we are trained to respond to." Everyone pauses midbite, turning to look at me blankly.

"No, they're no- holy shit dad! They are!" shinso yelps, standing up with a start only to immediately sit down when aziwa sends a glare his way. "language," he warns before turning back to me.

"English," Eri pipes up, sounding proud of herself.

"midoriya, problem child, please just shut it and eat already," he begged, actually begged, probably sick of all my conspiracy theories already. Wait until he hears that stars are only holes in out container.

After being dragged out of the would-be murder scene, aziwa decided to take Shinso and us home, picking up Eri (who immediately latched onto me) up on the way. I was shown my room which happened to be in between Eri's and Shinso's (who said he'd be staying here until my room was inhabitable again so I wouldn't grow lonely) and where the bathrooms and such were.

Currently we were all, minus present mic who was called in for some hero stuff, eating dinner. To say I was actually eating however would be a lie, I was more feeding the cat the spaghetti whist I fed the others a bunch of conspiracy theories that I may or may not believe. We will never know.

You believe them, obviously

Shhhh! No one's supposed to know! Mother f-

Father! Your turn!


Uh... A+ for effort?

"I'm full, please excuse me," I speak, getting up to store my leftovers before retreating to my new room.

"I am never watching sander sides with you two in my head ever again," I declare, jumping face first onto the bed before rolling onto my back, ignoring their complaints.


Just give up already, you know you're not getting any sleep anytime soon

Oh shush, he'll manage

You're starting to sound like deceit there knock off Patton

Gasp! You take that back!

Did... did you just say gasp?

So what if I did?

Groaning, I sit up, "both of you just shut up already!" I snap, to tired to deal with there bickering and sexual tension.

Sexual tension?! What the fuck deku!?

"oh right, you're in my head, you know what I'm thinking. Oops," I deadpan, voice flat and oh so apologetic.

You're so mean

"I'm mean? You guys make me question every little thing I do whist being my daily supplier of headaches and depression." Knowing I won't be getting sleep any time soon I shuffle over to the wooden desk in the corner of the room that currently help most of my belongings.

Well... yeah but that's out job!

"well then make sure to tell your boss that I hate him," I mutter, pulling out my journal that held my most recent songs in them, including the one I would be singing next week at the singing contest.

Uh, we aren't actually real. You know that right?

"Yes I know that you bloody bean!"

Yeesh, someone's grumpy

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