chapter 19

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Deku pov

"stop that," Dabi ordered, bored, as I tried, once again, to pull the quirk erasing collar off my neck.

"No! how can I kill them if I don't have excess to my quirk and are tied to the wall like a dog!" I yelled at the alpha who was currently cleaning up the trashed bar with the rest of the villains.

The two-low life villains that I was pointing at took a step away from me, both also omega's who reeked of fear. Good, they let my aunt get kidnaped, they should be terrified.

The third one that was responsible snorted from the other side of the room, sneering at me as he mumbled something about how omega's have no respect these days and something else that I missed.

My eye twitched and I attempted to jump at him, only to be kept back by the chains that were attached to the collar around my neck, causing the beta to laugh as I gasped for air before having a coughing fit.

I had quirk erasing bracelets at first however when I grabbed a knife and started stabbing anyone in my way, they had to take extra steps. Unfortunately for me, the only option left was the fucking collar.

"listen kid, I couldn't care less if you killed them. In fact, I would be happy to let you off that little leash so you could kill them for two reasons. One, I hate them. two, I like watching people die. however, Shigaraki said that they have quirks that could be useful for us. And out of the bedroom, he gives the orders. And he told me to make sure you didn't kill them, the only way I can do that without having to keep an eye on you is to tell those idiots to stay away from you and keep that collar on. So, sit still so you don't kill your self again and calm the hell down," he snaps, turning t look at me and using his alpha tone at the end.

I narrow my eyes at him but submit, picking at the collar as I glare at everyone and anyone. "just so you know, you are now on my kill list," I inform Dabi causally, causing him to roll his eyes as he goes back to cleaning. Well, burning anything that's broken and kicking the ask underneath something, but what does it matter right?


"come on! I promise I'm over it! just let me free!" I whine, pulling at the thick chain that wouldn't let me move more than three feet away from the wall.

"you're lying," Dabi says, not taking his eyes off the tv screen as he beats his mate at yet another race, causing the later to growl and disintegrate his controller. Again.

"and how would you know?" I question with narrowed eyes.

"you were just telling us how you were going to kill them 5 minutes ago deku-kun!" Toga answers with a crazed smile as she drinks some red liquid that smelt funny. She was also restrained, wanting to join me as I murdered the three who deserved to burn in hell.

I giggle as I roll onto my back, "oh yeah..."


I didn't know what time it was, but everyone had gone to bed by now. Toga was asleep on the other side of the room, mumbling something about blood, cake and knifes. I decided then that I wasn't going to eat the cake that toga had made earlier today...

I was still chained to the wall, my back against it as I fiddled with the chain.

Ha! You really are a mutt!

I dunno... he looks more like a bitch to me...

"leave me alone," I whine, running my fingers through my fluffy green hair before tracing some of the many scars on my body, doing my best to drown out the voices. My eye twitches as I'm suddenly reminded in a not so subtle way that my aunt is most likely dead now because of me.

Imagine her screams

She'll never be able to see her son again

You're the reason one of your mates no longer has a mum



How do you expect Katchan to love you now?

"yeah yeah I know okay!" I snap, not realizing that I had screamed it.

You're no hero

You're a killer

Should have stayed dead

No one wants you

Your mother would be so disappointed

Its no wonder why your dad left

"shut up! shut up! shut up!" I chant, voice slowly growing louder as each second passes. Before long I'm just screaming. Not even words just straight out screaming as my vison become blurry, black spots filling my vision.

I didn't notice how a handful of villains were now surrounding me. I think I would of if it weren't for the voices and the sudden pain coming from my shoulder blades, demanding my attention.

I hear it before I feel it, the sickening rip of flesh before the searing pain. It fades quickly, but the simple reminder of it had me whimpering. There was a weight now though, and when I turned my head to see why I froze.

The place was silent. I had stopped screaming the second the pain stopped, putting up with the voices for a moment and so had the yelling of the villains around me. not that I noticed that.

When I look at the crowd around me, I find them all staring at what I had just been looking at, all their eyes wide and filled with shock. Well, all but phoenix... he looked bored with the situation.

the silence was broken the second Toga exclaims, voice filled with awe, "Deku-kun has wings! And-and look at his eyes! There red! No fair!"





I ignored the voices as the room they called a living room erupted to life, people all pointing and shouting about my new appearance. I ignore them, looking behind me to see large, white feathered wings with black tips and sharp talons. Talons that had cut the chains off like paper within seconds of appearing. I feel power like never before bubble up inside me, my eyes which were now red according to toga, caught the sightless movement, seeing everything as If it were midday and not two in the morning. My other senses seemed to have improved, making all the shouting around me so much worse and the stale smell of blood most of the villains wore filled my nose. I suddenly felt even worse for who found my room, this smell is unbearable. Sure, I'd felt power before, such as one for all. But this power felt like a fine brush in my hand when all id been doing before was finger painting...

When the room suddenly lapped into silence, I looked back to the crowd, seeing them all glaring at phoenix who was oblivious to the stares as he played what sounded like candy crush on his phone.

"phoenix," Shigaraki growled, gaining the demons attention. He didn't seem fazed by the stares off all the angry or curios werewolves, even less so for the few humans.

"yeah boss? – hey, did deku get a haircut or something? He looks different..." he asks, pocketing his phone and giving his leader his attention before immediately getting distracted by me. I narrow my eyes but giggle, putting the pieces together and getting an idea of what the final image will look like.

"you know full well what is different. Now spill. What did you do?" Shiggy asked, glancing back at me as I started humming to myself, playing with my new wings. No one seemed surprised by how calm I had suddenly become, I wonder why?

"oh fine. Man, your no fun! I just asked my dad for a little... favour. To which he complied."

"and what, pray tell, did lucifer grant his favourite son?" Dabi asked curiously, annoyance also clear in his voice. A few people gasped upon hearing who the demon's father was, but a glare from said demon had them silent before they could ask any questions.

I merely looked up with raised eyebrows before giggling and going back to playing with the soft feathers.

"simple. He made deku a demon."

Just a little crazy (finished)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ