chapter 18

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I was sitting in what the league called the living room, talking with Toga. Our crazed giggles filled the near silent bar, making the surrounding villains shuffle away slowly as if we'd pounce on them at any given moment.

I wouldn't blame them though; Toga has been known the do that.

When toga looks behind me, her crazed smile suddenly turning into a slightly worried one, I stop giggling and turn around, looking up at Shiggy from my spot on the floor. Not wearing his father hand, I was able to see his expression as well, spotting the frown and slight fear in his eyes.

This should be good

I don't think them kicking him out is good, though it's is expected.

You're right, for once, who would want him?

That not-

"shut it," I mumble before tilting my head to the side slightly, strands of fluffy green hair falling in front of my eyes. "what's up Shiggy?" I question, giggling when he scowls and tells me off for calling him that once again.

Remembering why he was here again his scowl was gone, replaced with a look of hesitation and distress. An eyebrow raises as I watch the young villain start to scratch his neck. Reopening old scabs and creating new ones.

My smile quickly leaves my face, annoyance quickly bubbling up un side of me. "what is it? spit it out already," I all but growl. No one was surprised, already used to my mood swings. Especially lately, apparently my mood has been a lot less stable... honestly, I don't see it.

My smile is back in an instant the second he narrows his eyes and starts talking again. I didn't notice half the people around us taking a step back.

"fine brat, I just wanted to tell you before you found out on your own. The lady you wanted me to send some people to watch over. She's gone."

Narrator's pov

"don't you think we should give him some more time? I mean, this can't be easy for him..." Denki asks, scratching his yellow hair as we walk out of class.

"exactly, he shouldn't be alone, expressly with his track record. Besides, we've already given him time. A whole week. And no ones seen him since, you can't tell me you're not worried." A red haired alpha response, only receiving a nod in response, a sadden expression over taking his face upon being reminded of their brothers' absence.

"hey," kirishima says, forcing a smile onto his face as he elbows his mate lightly. "cheer up, it's deku, I'm sure he's fine. He's probably just hording all the chocolate spread and watching that All Might video he's obsessed with."

He flashes the slightly taller male a small, uncertain smile, grabbing his hand as they walk towards the dorms.


When they get there, they both spot shinso standing outside Deku's door, his face scrunched up. It doesn't take the pair long to figure out why, for as soon as they're next to the sleep deprived teen, the faint smell of blood drifts into their sensitive noses.

It was faint, but smelt rotten, stale and old in a way. It smelt worse than grape soda's old room.

"hey bro," Kirishima greet, doing his best to ignore the smell and praying to the mood goddess that it wasn't coming from inside Deku's room.

Only just noticing them, shinso spins around to face the two other wolves, cocking his head to the side slightly. The bags under his eyes looked more darker than usual, hair messy and unkept as if he had just gotten out of bed. Not the mention the unhealthy colour his skin had turned into since midoriya's absence. In reality, he looked the most effected, and no one blamed him. technically speaking, midoriya was Shinso's first friend. It also happened to be the person who would stay up with him when he had nightmares, though no one knew this.

"oh, hey what are you two doing here?" the beta asks, his voice gravely and rough as if he hadn't had anything to drink for days. Denki and his soul mate shared a quick look, both silently agreeing that they would get the purple haired teen to drink, eat and sleep, even if they have to use force. The small moment doesn't go unnoticed by the mini erasure head, who groans, bringing the pair back to reality has they flash him sheepish smiles and shrug.

Denki was the first to break the silence by answering the question. "we're here to check on deku, we're a bit worried."

"yeah, me to. He hasn't answered his phone or any of the text except to tell me to just forget him. which was three days ago. At first, I was confused but now I'm worried he's done something stupid. And that smell isn't helping..."

Shinso wasn't aware of Izuku's nasty habit, so when the two males in front of him paled then proceeded to kick down the locked door, he was confused.

That didn't last long, however. As he went to ask what the hell was wrong with them, the suffocating rusty smell of stale blood filled his noses, a metallic taste dancing on his tongue as he made the mistake to breathe through his mouth. His tired eyes grew wide and he pushed through the two frozen wolves, a chocked gasp of sorts leaving his mouth upon seeing the blood stains that had turned the normally soft green carpets of Deku's room stale and maroon.

On the bed was a note, though everyone saw it, no one made a move to grab it. No one even stepped into the room. All taking in the state of the room. All might posters were torn down, littering across the blood-stained carpet. Clothes scattered on the furniture and handing out the broken window. The fan looked about ready to fall off the ceiling and the lights were blown, shards of glass looking like glitter in the fairly large room.

Finally, Kirishima stepped forward, two other wolves following behind him like zombies. They didn't even know what had happened, yet the tears were already falling, the only one holding them back seemed to be the most effected. The sleep deprived teen, although holding no tears, looked ready to break. His breathing ragged and hands shaking, his eyes were frantic, looking from one mess to the other, mind refusing to cooperate with him as he convinced himself it was fake.

It had to be...

The red-haired wolf picked up the note, tail between his legs and ears pressed flat, much like the other two. He didn't read it, just stared at it for some time. None of them knew how much time had passed, but by the time he started reading, the sun was setting.

"hey guys. I don't really know who's reading this but I'm sorry. I think I am anyway... it's hard to figure out what I feel now, it's all muddled up and confusing... anyway, don't worry about the blood. I'm fine. No that's a lie. I'm alive. On the outside at least... I guess this is a goodbye... I can't bear to have my mates reject me, which is defiantly going to happen now... and I don't blame them either, I messed up, like always. God I'm suck a useless deku, right Katchan? Im sorry brothers, and shinso too... I didn't want to leave you guys, but I couldn't bare it. I know its selfish of me but... you'll be better without me. anyway... I need to go now, if I'm gone to long, they'll get worried and probably start killing people. Can't have that happen, now can we?

"Deku, the crazy omega. guess Uraraka was right..."

No one spoke, everyone soaking in the words, all huddled around the note that was now stained with tear drops.

The silence was interrupted as sparks of electricity swam though the air, pain and chocked sobs leaving both Kirishima's and Kaminari's throats. They couldn't believe he left. Without even saying a proper goodbye! They were hurt, yes, but they were also mad. Unbelievably so.

All the while, shinso was searching the room high and low, muttering under his breath before he finally yells, drawing all the attention to himself. "DAMMIT! Midoriya where the hell are you? come out this isn't funny! ... please... you promised you wouldn't leave me like they did..." the last part came out in a whisper as he dropped to his knees, denki and Eijiro both sharing another look through tear clouded eyes.

They were both thinking the same thing. They had each other, other friends and a family, (even if Kirishima's is an adopted one because his family were too deep in alcohol to realize he was there.) shinso didn't. Sure, he had his dads, though no one knew who they were, but that was it. denki, Todoroki, Kirishima and even bakugou, though hung out with him, were barely considered friends. The only one who truly held that title was now gone. Hell, he didn't even have a mate yet!

The two wolves walked up to the broken teen, denki wasted no time with wrapping his arms around him in a warm, comforting hug. "come on..." Kirishima whispered, still standing as the two betas below him hugged on the ground. "we have to tell his mates and the teachers..." 

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