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Hazel and Alice chatted in quiet tones as Alice drove Hazel home. She'd borrowed her brother Edward's Volvo. The pair had to whisper as Marco had fallen into sleep mode once they'd driven away from the Cullens'. It was agreed that the girls would take it in turns to look after him each night. And, unless one was away or sick, they would meet up on the weekend.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow," Hazel waved after she'd exited the car. Alice enthusiastically waved back.

Alice waited until Hazel was inside before she drove off. She knew that her family was lucky when Hazel told them it was getting late and she should go home. Alice wasn't sure her siblings could take it much longer.

Hazel, on the other hand, was relieved that she was able to get out of her own house. Her mother had been bugging her to get out for ages.

As soon as she stomped up the stairs, her mother came out of her bedroom. She gave her a minuscule smile and trudged into her room. She carefully placed down the electronic baby on her mattress before falling face-first beside it. Not even bothering to change out of her clothes, she fell asleep.

Alice drove back to her home and immediately sped inside. She got up the stairs and noticed Carlisle and Rosalie weren't with the others, who were seated around the table. She sat down beside Jasper, and as if out of reflex, he grabbed her hand.

"Your decision was stupid, Alice," Edward scolded. Esme gave him a disapproving look. "Why the hell would you bring a human here? Especially one like her."

"I was just letting the future happen, Edward," Alice shrugged, a small grin on her lips. "And anyway, it's not like she suspected anything."

"Still," he warned, standing from his seat.

Alice shrugged once more, which seemed to be a natural action when conversing with her adopted brother. Carlisle and Rosalie ran back into the house at that moment. They paused as they surveyed the area.

"Unexpected family meeting?" Carlisle joked, trying to lighten the air. He turned to Alice. "It was good to meet Hazel. She seems nice." Alice smiled back at him.

"Edward was just concerned about the consequences of Hazel finding out," Esme explained. Carlisle nodded.

"And I was just saying that it would be fine," Alice cut in. "I had a vision not too long ago, and Hazel was in it. This was meant to happen." Carlisle adopted a thoughtful expression before looking at his family.

"I agree we should let everything play out," he began, "but we must be cautious. That means no more bringing her here. Okay, Alice?" She nodded. "Good."

At school the next day, Hazel punched Christian's arm. It was her first thought when she saw him. He recoiled and whimpered at her. Hazel didn't leave him alone until he felt the annoyance in her glare. Minnie and Victor watched the pair with blank faces.

"That was for leaving me alone yesterday," Hazel hissed. "Yeah, Christian, we had Home Ec yesterday. We got our partners yesterday." Hazel informed when the boy pointed at Marco.

"Oof," he replied, scoring another punch in the arm. "I'm sorry, Haze. Who'd you get partnered with?"

"Alice Cullen." Christian's mouth formed an 'o' shape, but his eyes grew dark. "It's good, though. We're almost done the backstory," Hazel smiled. "Our baby's name is Marco."

"And what an adorable baby he is!" As if summoned, Alice appeared beside Hazel, startling the others. "Sorry."

"Hey, Alice," Hazel greeted. Alice replied by pulling the girl into a one-armed hug. "Everyone, this is Alice Cullen. Alice, this is Christian Smith, Minnie Holland and Victor Barton."

She pointed at each friend in turn. Minnie and Victor waved at the girl, but Christian kept a stone-cold expression.

"It's great to meet you," Alice smiled, her golden eyes flashing. She turned back to Hazel. "Would you like to join me at lunch? We could work on our backstory together."

"Hazel would love to!" Minnie answered before Hazel had a chance. Alice smiled and waved farewell before leaving. "She's so cute!" Minnie gushed.

"Rosalie's more my type," Christian shrugged. "Anyway, I've got Chem next. Mins, let's bounce!" Minnie nodded, hurriedly collecting her things before running after him.

"Ew, I've got P.E," Victor groaned. "Save me."

"Wish I could," Hazel laughed.

"What do you have?" He asked, gazing at her. He was leaning against the locker next to hers.

"AP English," she smiled. Hazel tucked a curly lock behind her ear. "I'll see you later, Vicky," she teased.

She closed her locker and ruffled the boy's hair. Victor watched her as the girl stalked off to her next class. He looked away, a light pink dusting his warm cheeks as he grinned in victory.

"Bye," he whispered after her before walking off in the opposite direction.

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