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Hazel couldn't help her nerves as Jasper drove them out of town on the dark road. In the distance, he could see the sun peeking it's first few rays over the mountains. She kept quiet the entire ride as Bella was continuously making calls to her mother. Hazel didn't know why, but this put her even more on edge.

When Bella ended her phone call, Hazel wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders. Bella smiled gratefully and turned to the front. Alice looked back at them, then looked to Jasper. On the center console, the two vampires linked hands. Hazel practically melted.

By the time they arrived, Hazel's backside was practically screaming for her to stretch. And, once she got out of the car, she was happy to do just that. Alice didn't give her any time, though, as she quickly dragged the two humans inside. Jasper and Alice quickly checked them in before rushing to the room.

"How are you feeling?" Jasper asked her in a low voice. Hazel looked at him and shrugged.

"Scared, nervous, but ultimately, just kind of... numb," Hazel told him. He nodded, guiding her to the couch where Alice already at. 

"Here," he planted a kiss on her temple. Hazel felt calmed almost immediately. "My empathic abilities seem to work better when I'm in contact with someone." Hazel nodded and kissed his cheek in return.

"Thank you," she whispered, shooting him a smile.

Next to them, Alice gasped. Jasper and Hazel span to face her.

"What is it?" Jasper asked in concern. "What do you see?" Hazel could see Alice's slight tremble as the vision took over her.

"The tracker," she spoke, "he just changed course."

"Where will they take him, Alice?" Jasper asked. Hazel grabbed the pencil and paper they'd bought from the bah and handed them to him.

"Mirrors. A room full of mirrors."

Jasper put the paper in front of her and the pencil in her hand. Immediately, he began to draw what she saw. Hazel watched, slightly shaking herself.

"Edward said the visions weren't always certain," Bella commented.

"She sees the course people are on while they're on it," Jasper explained, looking directly at Bella. "If they change their minds, the vision changes." Hazel kept watch over Alice.

"Okay, so the course the tracker's on now is gonna lead him to a ballet studio?" Bella inquired, pointing to the picture.

Hazel and Jasper looked at Bella. Alice snapped out of her trance and gazed at the girl, too.

"You've been here?" Alice asked.

"I took lessons as a kid." Hazel snorted, earning a disapproving look from Jasper. "The school I went to had an arch just like that."

"Was your school here in Phoenix?" Jasper questioned. Alice looked at him, then Hazel.

"Yeah." Bella answered. She walked away as her phone vibrated, immediately answering. "Edward, are you okay?"

Hazel looked at Alice and Jasper. The pair were watching Bella intently, but Alice silently placed her cold hand on top of Hazel's shaking one. The three waited a moment before Bella hung up.

"Hazel, can you watch Bella?" Jasper asked, standing up with Alice. "We're going to try and find out where this studio is."

"Will do," Hazel grinned, mock saluting at the blonde. The two vampires smiled and walked out of the room. "So... want to play Uno?" Bella turned to her, and Hazel shrugged, already reaching into the bag and pulling out the deck.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," Hazel groaned during their third round of Uno. "Don't cheat." she pointed accusingly.

"I won't," Bella laughed warily, raising her pale hands.

Hazel headed to the bathroom. She hurriedly did her business and washed her hands. Her eyes landed on her reflection in the mirror.

"You'll be fine," she reassured herself, "and so will the others."

Hazel gazed in the mirror intensely. She watched the reflection of her eyes and began to concentrate. After a moment there was a flash of blue in her irises, and Hazel promptly blinked it away.

"Sorry I took so long," Hazel apologized with a smile as he came out of the bathroom. "I– Bella?" Her eyes darted over the room. "Bella!" She called again in panic.

Hazel looked everywhere in the room that Bella could possibly hide. When she came up empty, she ran out of the room. She looked down the hallway then ran toward the elevator. Right before she began her descent down the stairs, the elevator doors opened. Jasper and Alice stepped out, and their gaze turned right to Hazel.

"Hazel?" Alice stared at the panicked human. "What's wrong? Where's Bella?"

"She bolted," Hazel panted. "I went to the bathroom and she bolted." Jasper immediately pulled the girl into the elevator, hurriedly slamming his finger on the ground floor button.

Alice texted all her family members. Hazel paced the small metal box in stress, her heart thumping loudly. Jasper could hardly concentrate properly. As soon as the doors opened, the three ran back to Carlisle's car. They had barely closed all the doors before Jasper sped off.

"Bella!" Hazel cried when she burst through the doors. Edward and the other Cullens were already pinning James to one of the mirrors. Hazel rushed to the other human's aid. "Bella, holy shit!" she cursed, staring at the blood that covered the girl.

"Bella, Bella, it's okay," Alice comforted, holding the convulsing girl. That's when Hazel noticed the bite mark on Bella's wrist.

James bit her. Hazel noted.

"Bella, you're okay," Alice cooed over Bella's scream and grunts of agony. "It's okay." She lifted her hand from Bella's leg, revealing it to be covered in blood. "Oh, God."

"Alice," Hazel breathed, moving to pull her hand from her face.

"Carlisle," Alice yelled, "her blood." Hazel moved to the other side of Alice so Carlisle could get in. "Carlisle!"

"Alice!" Jasper called. Him, Emmett, Rosalie and Esme were already ripping up floorboards to begin the fire.

"Alice, go," Hazel prompted.

Alice ran over and tore off James's head. Hazel squeezed her eyes shut at the sight. She looked back up, only to see Esme and Rosalie struggling to begin the fire.

"Shit, shit, shit," she hissed. She couldn't even concentrate on what Carlisle, Bella and Edward were saying.

"Hazel, make me a tourniquet. Your belt." Carlisle said to the girl. She quickly took it off. "Tie it above my hands." She did as she was told.

"I need to help them," Hazel breathed, looking to the other Cullens.

She watched as Emmett and Jasper tore the last of James's limbs off and began yelling for the girls to start the fire. Hazel took once glance at Bella before standing up. She moved away from them, walking towards the other vampires.

Hazel stared at the unlit wood, slightly raising her palms. She concentrated deeply. Hazel saw Jasper staring at her, his eyes wide in shock. Hazel channeled all her concentration toward the large pile of floorboards. After a moment the pile burst up into blue flames before settling to an orange color.

"Hazel!" She didn't know who yelled it at her before she collapsed.

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