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On the Thursday, the day right before the 'Baby Care' project was completed, Alice and Rosalie weren't at school. Hazel was worried until she asked Emmett.

"They've gone for a trip with our mum," Emmett explained. Hazel nodded. "They'll be back later today, Hazelnut. No need to worry."

Emmett swung his arm over Hazel's shoulder. Hazel was used to it, now. She shifted Marco so the baby wouldn't fall before she turned to Emmett.

"I've been thinking," Hazel began, "and I want to know if there's any reason why I can't go to your guys' house anymore? Did I do something wrong? Did I offend you in any way?" Emmett stayed silent and didnt look at her. "Your parents hate me, don't they?"

"No! No! No! Nothing like that! It's actually the opposite," Emmett responded, a little too quick for Hazel's liking. "It's just, uh, our Mum's been really sick, lately."

"But you said she went out for a trip with Rosalie and Alice?" Hazel raised an eyebrow at the boy. Emmett silently cursed.

"She- she just got better." He chuckled awkwardly. "She told us she wanted some fresh air." Hazel stared intensely before giving him a tired shrug.

"Okay." Emmett's jaw almost hit the floor with her chill response.

Obviously, Hazel knew the boy was hiding something. She refused to pry any further, though. She'd just ask Alice when the girl got back.

The two headed into the gym for their P.E class and lined up with the other students. The teacher, Mr Harvey, did roll call before he split them.

As the boys W to their locker room, Hazel looked after Emmett with suspicion. Edward Cullen saw and glanced at his brother two. Emmett just shook his head in response.

As soon as Hazel headed into Home Ec, she almost cried out with glee. Alice was sitting at her spot, animatedly talking with Jasper. She practically ran over to them. Alice noticed her excited friend and waved happily.

Hazel went to say hello back, but her wrist was grabbed by a warm hand. She turned to find Christian, his expression one of jealousy and annoyance.

"What are you doing, Chris?" Hazel hissed, her voice low.

"I could say the same to you, Hazel," Christian spat. He let go and crossed his arms. "Why do you hang out with the Cullens?"

"Because they're my friends, too, Christian! What's your problem with them?" Christian scoffed and sat in his chair.

"My problem is that those pale, cold-skinned freaks never let me hang out with you anymore!" Christian growled. Hazel took a step back out of fear. "You barely sit with us anymore! You only sit with those–" He grunted at the end.

"Mr Smith, is there a problem?" Mrs Keery inquired from the front of the classroom.

"Yeah, there is." He grabbed his things and stormed out of the classroom.

Hazel watched the door for a few more seconds as she listened to the teacher calling him back. She sat down in her seat, dumbfounded.

"What's up with your friend?" Alice decided to ask the question that had been bugging her since fourth period. Her and the Cullens were in the parking lot once more.

"He's, um, just upset about some small matters is all," Hazel lied right through her teeth. "He's just got a lot on his plate at the moment."

That wasn't a lie. Christian Smith actually lived on the reserve. Instead of doing school there, he'd been granted permission to get educated at the high school. Christian's mother was a part of the Quileute tribe, but she'd sided two years prior. His father had passed away a few months after Christian's birth after living with lung cancer. The others at the reserve had taken him in and made sure the boy was well looked after.

"Okay, well, I hope you two make up soon," Alice smiled. Then, her body froze. Her eyes glossed over and she seemed to be somewhere else.

"Alice?" Hazel peered at her friend in concern. She snapped back to reality and her eyes flickered to the other side of the lot.

Hazel looked over there, too. She saw a large car driving in, but then it lost control. It swerved wildly to avoid things in its path. Hazel turned to where it's possible point of impact would be and saw Isabella Swan standing by her truck in fear. Hazel took a step forward, but was held back by a hand. She turned back to Isabella only to see the car pressed up against the red truck.

"Holy shit!" Hazel shouted the curse.

Edward Cullen suddenly appeared from between the two cars and hurriedly walked back to his car without a look back. Hazel blinked to confirm it was him. She stared in disbelief as Alice pulled her towards Rosalie's car. Hazel couldn't break out of her daze as she clipped herself in.

How the Hell did he get over there so fast?

"Alice..." Hazel turned to the driver, who had a distressed expression, "Alice what the shit did Edward just do? How could he have gotten there so fast? How in the Hell did he stop that car?"

Alice bit her lip and shrugged. "Must've been a rush of adrenaline," she awkwardly chuckled.

The entire situation was stressing the brunette out. Hazel's scent blowing her way thanks to the wind didn't help.

"I could probably understand that with the car, but not the speed! He was like The Flash!" Alice didn't look at the girl. "He– he doesn't take drugs, does he, Alice?"

"No, he doesn't," Alice sighed.

"Then how–"

"I don't know, Hazel!" Alice shouted. Hazel stopped and stared. "I'm sorry, Hazel. I didn't mean to yell."

"I shouldn't have asked so many questions," Hazel breathed, shocked.

But Hazel wasn't done. No yet. She made a plan to search until she found an acceptable reason as to how. And, boy was she not going to stop.

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