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Hazel was immediately concerned when Alice had come by driving the Jeep, with Jasper sitting beside her in the passenger's seat. She immediately ran from her house, telling her family to not wait up for her. She bolted across the street and almost threw herself through the window of the car.

"Nice to see you, too," Alice giggled at the human. "Excited?"

"More like dead fearful that someone will see whatever it is you need to keep a secret," Hazel replied, puffing. She was definitely not fit for short sprints.

Jasper smiled slightly at the girl's comment. He glanced back to her to see her tying up the shoelace she wasn't able to do. He chuckled and turned back to the front.

"Where are you driving to?" Hazel asked, watching the trees as they whizzed past. She'd gotten used to the love for speed the Cullens had.

"There's a field Jasper and I found ages ago. We want to show you." Alice glanced back at the girl, a smile gracing her lips. "We think you'll love it."

"Is it a far hike?" Hazel inquired, taking a look at her favorite pair of black boots.

"Not too far," Alice shrugged, "but it's not too close to the road, either." Hazel breathed and ran a hand through her curls.

"If you get tired, I can carry you if you'd like," Jasper offered. Hazel waved him off with a shake of her head.

"I'll be all good, Jasper," she smiled.

"Esme packed food for you," Jasper added. "There's also some water. She got very concerned about you." He commented tenderly.

Hazel turned and stared out the window as she a happy smile work it's way onto her lips. "Your mum is great."

The Jeep came to a stop a little ways away from the outskirts of town. Alice and Jasper got out of the Jeep, so Hazel quickly followed the two. Jasper let Hazel link her hand with his and they headed to the boot of the vehicle. Alice happily grabbed the picnic basket, only handing a bag to Jasper for him to carry.

"What's in that?" Hazel asked, pointing to the bag.

"Nothing much. You'll see." Alice said, already heading to an opening in the trees. "Don't lag behind, though. It is really easy to get lost in here."

Jasper slightly tightened his grip on Hazel's hand as they followed Alice into the green of the trees. They stayed silent for the first few minutes of walking, allowing themselves to get past what Alice had called the hardest part of the hike.

"No more streams and random rocks!" Alice grinned once they'd crossed their second stream. Her golden eyes seemed brighter in the sunlight.

"How long do you think it will be until we get there?" Hazel asked.

"I'd say another fifteen to twenty minutes," Alice replied without hesitation. "That's if you don't become tired."

"I'm going to soak up every minute of this," Hazel laughed with a shake of her head. "I can't wait to see this meadow."

"Trust me, it's beautiful," Jasper told the human, shooting her a smile. "And it's not the only thing." He smiled at Alice, too, before swooping Hazel up in a quick kiss of his cold lips.

"Gah!" She squealed, burying her face in Jasper's shirt. He chuckled at her reaction, adoring how precious she was when she became flustered. "Stop!" Her protest came out muffled.

"Aw," Alice strolled back to the pair and embraced them. "We better hurry up, though, if we want to get there so Hazel can see what we do."

"Can't you just tell me?" Hazel inquired, pulling her face from the apparel. "You already told me that it's embarrassing. So why not just tell me and get the embarrassment over with?"

"Because, then you'll say you want to see it, so we'll have to show you anyway." Hazel huffed, not denying her statement. "Besides, I just want to see how you react to it."

Hazel groaned and continued after Alice. The three kept walking through the trees and ferns and grass. Hazel was beginning to feel the familiar burning in her calves as she proceeded her exercise. She cast a glance Jasper's way, but he seemed to be preoccupied. She sighed and continued on, not realizing her hand was slipping from Jasper's grasp.

"I can smell them!" Alice exclaimed, and ran forward. "Come on, we're almost there."

Alice came back and grabbed the hands of the pair. She pulled them along as she rushed towards the spot. Hazel almost tripped on the tree roots several times but refused to say anything.

Once they reached the meadow, Hazel couldn't stop her mouth from falling open. Her brown eyes darted from one flower to the next, marveling at the variety in color, height, and species. She gazed around, unknowingly taken steps into the sunlight. Her hand slipped from Jasper's as she fully submerged in the sun's rays.

"We told you it was beautiful." Alice smiled at her mate as she awed at the area around her.

"Are you guys just going to stand there all day? Or at you guys going to join me in this glorious sun?" Hazel asked, beckoning them to come over.

Alice and Jasper shared a look before turning back to Hazel. Alice stepped out first, letting rays of light cover her completely. Hazel gasped at the brunette. All areas of skin exposed to the sun sparkled. Hazel thoughts they were like crystals shining in the light, beautiful and untouchable

Jasper came forward next. Hazel didn't gasp but blushed as he pulled up the sleeves of his shirt. His skin was exactly the same as Alice's. Twinkling and glorious.

She stepped towards them, hoping to examine the pair much closer. She held her hand up and poked Jasper's chest where his two top buttons were already undone. He chuckled as her face became more flushed. She slowly recoiled her finger and looked between the two.

"It's beautiful," she breathed, deciding now was a good time to step back. "And you were right when you said it was embarrassing. You guys metaphorically sparkle like the herpes of craft." Alice and Jasper shot the girl a confused look. "Nevermind."

"So what's more beautiful?" Alice asked, genuinely curious about what the girl thought.

"Definitely your guys' skin," Hazel answered immediately. "No doubt."

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