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"Okay, okay. Catch this!" Alice tossed up another blue M&M into the air with a laugh. Hazel opened her mouth and positioned herself in the right spot and caught it in her mouth with ease. "How?" Alice asked in wonder.

"Weeks of practice throwing food alone in my room," Hazel smirked. "It's a shame you guys can't have any human food."

"Yeah, but bloods better than anything," Jasper joked. Hazel pulled a sour face at him, causing the honey blonde boy to laugh once again.

The three were then sitting outside the Cullen residence. Esme had gladly made some light snacks for Hazel, to which the girl protested strongly about. Alice had begged Hazel to come — with Jasper's help by adjusting her mood, but that was besides the point — so she was unable to say no.

"Do you know how fast you guys can run? Have you ever tested it?" Hazel inquired, deciding to sit beside Jasper on the red plaid blanket.

"We've never tested it, but I'm pretty sure we'd be faster than any vehicle invented so far," Alice grinned, a proud tone in her voice. Hazel picked up an M&M she found in the grass and threw it at the vampire. "Hey!"

"If you can't dodge an M&M, you're not fast enough! Quit boasting!" Hazel laughed. "I can barely run at all."

"You're the one who asked!" Alice protested in exasperation. Hazel threw a small rock at her this time. "Stop throwing stuff at me!"

"Then dodge it and you won't get hit!" Hazel replied.

"Girls, girls, you're both pretty," Jasper sighed. He laid down on the blanket and looked at the two. "Can we move on now?" Hazel and Alice shared a look before both throwing small rocks at the male. "Hey!"

"Okay, okay," Hazel huffed, holding up her hands. "Instead of throwing stuff at each other, how about we do the thing we originally came here to do." She smiled at the two, hoping to not to be the next target.

"Okay, Alice shrugged. "Jasper and I know everything about each other already, so I guess it just makes sense for us to ask you."

"Easy one first," Jasper began, "what's your birthday?"

"September 4th, 1991." Hazel puffed a curl from her face. "Which makes me nine days older than Bella."

Alice smiled. "What's your favourite food?"

"Chicken Parmigiana."

"Favourite animal?"

"A lynx. No special reason, just because." Hazel shrugged.

"Your favourite book?"

"Very first volume of the Death Gate Cycle, Dragon Wing."

The two pale vampires rapid fired questions at Hazel for several more minutes. They finally stopped once all questions they could think of were answered by the human. By the end of the interrogation, Hazel felt as though she should have been rather out of breath.

"Satisfied?" She grinned cockily.

She had collapsed beside Jasper, with half her body on the grass, halfway through. Her curls were caught in the green lawn, and she knew her hair would be a pain to brush tonight.

"I guess so," replied Alice with a laugh. She also collapsed on the grass. "Any questions for us?"

Hazel couldn't stop the question form leaving her lips, "do you regret anything?" She cringed and bit her lip and scrunched her eyes closed.

"Of course we do," Alice spoke after what Hazel thought was an eternity. "I certainly regret a lot of things."

"I regret much more than you could possibly think of." The sombre tone in Jasper's southern voice immediately made Hazel wish she'd never asked the question.

"I'm sorry." Hazel shot up and shook her head in embarrassment. "I shouldn't have asked such a question."

"It's okay, Hazel," Alice smiled, sitting up with her and placing a cold hand on the girl's shoulder. "You don't have to apologize for each little mistake you make. We aren't going to shun you for being curious." Hazel nodded, finding it a little easier to breathe.

"Okay, I–I won't," Hazel said. "I guess it's just a force of habit." She sighed and picked out a slice of a peanut butter sandwich Esme made from the basket.

"Is it good?" Jasper asked when the girl took a bite. She nodded, grinning widely.

"It's honestly one of the best peanut butter sandwiches I've ever had." She moaned, grabbing another slice. "How is that possible?" She couldn't help but inhale the next slice and grabbed her third.

"Esme makes everything with tons do he love in her heart," Alice laughed.

She watched as Jasper wiped a smidge of peanut butter off the human's face. Hazel flushed and quickly finished the slice.

"Don't embarrass me," Hazel whined quietly. "It's embarrassing." Jasper and Alice laughed at the girl.

"But it's adorable," Alice cooed, poking the girl's warm cheek. "And watching you get embarrassed is fun!"

"No it's not!" Hazel huffed. "Ahh!" She hid her flushed face in her hands.

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