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All five teenagers took their respective seats in the back row. Emmett had made them sit there, claiming they were the best seats in the house. The others had rolled their eyes at him.

Hazel was just beyond grateful that she wasn't seated in the middle. She was seated close to the aisle. Jasper sat beside her on her left and Alice sat on her right.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit beside Jasper?" Hazel whispered to her petite brunette friend. "He is your boyfriend. Isn't it a little weird?"

Alice waved the concerned girl off with a hushed giggle. "If only you knew." Hazel furrowed her eyebrows at the comment.

"What's that-"

Out of nowhere, their faces were hit with popcorn. They turned to see Emmett holding the one and only small bucket. It was Hazel's bucket. He seemed to have taken it from beside Hazel. He threw another handful of the buttery goodness at them.

"Hey, shut up! The movies starting!" He whisper-yelled.

The teens turned their eyes to the large screen. Hazel suddenly felt a freezing weight on her right arm and spun to look to her right. Alice gave her a sheepish look before she locked their pinkies once again. Hazel gave her a smile and turned back to the screen, unable to stop the light blush on her cheeks. Thank God for the dark room.

Alice let out a happy, unnecessary sigh. Jasper and Alice shared a look with each other. After a moment, Alice smiled. Jasper nodded at her in response.

Jasper was joyous that Alice had figured out a way to lessen her thirst for Hazel's blood. Physical contact seemed to be the key. He knew that it seemed to be okay for her to hold Hazel, as Alice was a member of the same gender. Sadly, Jasper was a male and it would be much too awkward for him to even attempt it.

Besides, the first time he'd touched Hazel was an accident. He'd say next to her at the Cullen table in the cafeteria and their knees accidentally touched. He had recoiled so quickly it frightened Hazel and she'd almost fallen off her seat.

The blonde boy focused back on reality. He continued to watch the horror film and kept a check on how Hazel was feeling. If her fear and anxiety began to rise, he'd quickly rein it in by sending calming waves to her. He honestly thought he had perfect control. Alas, he was wrong.

He only let it slip for a split second, but that was all it took. Jasper suddenly didn't give a shit about the movie as he spun immediately to Hazel.

She was panting like she couldn't breathe like no air could get into her lungs. Her whole body seemed to be frozen in the chair. Out of reflex, Hazel grasped the first thing she could find, which happened to be Jasper's hand. Hazel's heart was beating widely. It sent Alice and Jasper's bodies into a frenzy. The pair hurriedly rushed her out of the theatre.

"Hazel! Hazel!" Alice rushed her words from her mouth and moved in front of Hazel's face. "Calm down, Hazel. Were out. It's not real. Just focus on me, or on Jasper."

Alice said that last part, noting how Hazel now had both their hands in death grips. Alice placed a cold hand on Hazel's cheek comfortingly.

"Hazel," Jasper spoke, squeezing her hand. He sent calming waves to her.

"Can you look me in the eyes, Hazel?" Alice asked in a low voice. Hazel complied with her breath still uneven. "Take a deep breath through your nose. Hold it. Then out your mouth."

Hazel followed Alice's instructions. She began to calm down shortly but refused to let go of their hands. Alice guided the two to a seat and they all sat.

"You didn't have to watch it, y'know." Alice's words cut through Hazel's foggy head. "You can blame Emmett and Rosalie, though."

Hazel chuckled, then she adopted a confused expression. "Do you wear contacts?"

Hazel was pointing out how Alice's usually golden eyes were now black. Alice looked away and let out a fake cough before turning back to Hazel. They were back to their golden color.

"Nope," she giggled. "Must just be your imagination." Hazel nodded, unconvinced

"Would you like to head to that bookstore, now, Hazel?" Jasper decided to change the topic. He shot Alice a look.

"What- what about the other two?" Hazel inquired. She ran a shaking hand through her curly locks

"They will find us eventually." Jasper smiled. Alice nodded.

"Okay, then." Hazel shrugged. "If you're sure."

She went to stand but realized Alice and Jasper's hands were still on her own. She dropped them and stood, turning to the two.

"I'll show you the one I love," Hazel grinned, "follow me."

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