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Octavia is rendered speechless, and she's not the only one. All the chatter and nervous whispers have ceased, leaving the only sound to be the leaves rustling in the trees and the sound of buzzing bugs. It's straight out of a movie, something Clara never thought she'd ever seen in real life. The greens of the forest more vibrant than she imagined. The sun is brighter, the sky is bluer, and everything is just so much more beautiful. And it's real.

Octavia takes a tentative step onto the ramp. She takes her time to reach the end of it and pauses, soaking it all in. Then, she jumps, her two feet hitting the ground. It's a moment comparable to the first time man set foot on the moon.

Throwing her fists in the air, Octavia shouts, "We're back, bitches!"

Just like that, the dam is broken. Teens spill out of the drop ship like a flood. They run around, screaming, laughing, just soaking it all in. Shoulders bumps into Clara's as she stays put and tries to catch Rez's mop of brown hair.

A particularly hard shoulder rams into her body, and she starts to fall back. Before she can hit the floor and get trampled by the over-excited teens, an arm catches her and pulls her out of the middle of the stampede. 

Looking up, Clara's dark eyes meet Bellamy Blake's. He lets go of her and asks, "Are you trying to get trampled over?"

Clara frowns, feeling belittled. "No, I'm just looking for someone."

Bellamy motions towards the open forest filled with the teens. "Then wait for the drop ship to empty before looking, you're getting in everyone's way by standing in the middle."

Clara, not appreciative of his tone, nods and quickly makes her way out of the drop ship and away from the older boy. She finds a spot by a nearby tree and waits for the ship to empty.

As she's leaning against the trunk, the bark rougher than she thought it would be, a twig behind her snaps. Two hands come down on her shoulders and shake her, a voice by her ear shouting, "BOO!"

Clara yelps and jumps, her head whipping around. When she sees Rez standing in front of her with his hands on her shoulders and a boyish grin tugging at his lips, Clara immediately propels herself forward and wraps her arms around the boy. His face is squished against hers as he laughs and hugs her back just as tight, if not tighter.

"I can't believe we're actually on earth," Rez breathes.

"Me neither," Clara agrees, then adds, "also, your breath stinks."

Rez rolls his eyes and separates himself from his best friend. "It's not like they have toothpaste down here, C."

Clara fixes his hair, which has gotten a lot longer in the year they have spent in the Sky Box. He used to have a buzz cut, but now his semi-curly brown locks fall against forehead. It makes him look older, and even though the two have seen each other in passing multiple times since being arrested, Clara realizes how long it has been since the two were actually this close to each other. Clara can see the slight acne textured on his forehead and the flecks of gold in his green eyes that glimmer in the sunlight.

Rez ducks from Clara's hand, dodging it. He fixes his hair, or more like messes it up again. "Would you cut it out, please? I'm trying to go for that boy-next-door look, and perfectly sculpted hair isn't going to help."

Clara snorts. "What, are you trying to snag a girlfriend down here?"

"I'm young," Rez shoots back, defending himself with a shrug. "I don't want to die without ever kissing a girl. I have virgin lips."

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