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ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ : ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴs

The low rumbling of thunder that vibrates the drop ship is foreign to Clara, yet it brings a sense of calm. It's like the purr of a cat and enables her to fall into a light slumber in the midst of chaos. Raven's shouting into her radio to be heard over the storm as it grows worse, and other delinquents are chattering noisily. The rain falling from the sky pounds on the metal drop ship like a drum.

"This is Raven Reyes. Calling Ark Station. Please come in," Raven desperately speaks into the radio, her knuckles white with her hand clasped around the mic. Under her breath, she says, "Please, please. Can anybody hear me?"

Something hits Clara's foot. She stirs awake and lifts her head from her jacket she uses as a pillow. It's a stray bolt from the ship that must've gotten loose from the storm.

Clara lies her head back down to fall asleep, but then she hears a crackled voice she hasn't heard since the video announcement on the way down to earth.

"This is a restricted station, who is this? Please identify yourself."

The entire room goes quiet. Clara sits up and watches with wide eyes as Raven sits before the radio, too stunned to speak as first. Clarke moves from Finn's side to Raven's in a split second.

Blinking and fighting off a victorious smile, Raven says, "This is Raven Reyes, I'm from Mecha Station." Raven glances at Clarke, and her smile finally escapes. "I'm transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive."

When Raven pauses, too caught up in the fact that she's actually talking to the Ark, Clarke nudges her. "Finn."

With that simple word, Raven's happiness is gone. She presses on the radio and says with urgency in her voice, "Please, you need to get Doctor Abby Griffin now."

"Hang on Raven, we're trying to boost your signal," another muffled voice from the radio speaks. Clara doesn't recognize this one.

There's incoherent mumbling, then, "Raven? Are you there?"

This voice is lighter than the last, more feminine. Clarke perks at the voice. "Mom? Mom, it's me."

"Clarke?" The surprise and utter happiness in the voice brings a smile to Clara's face. She may not have had the best parents, but it warms her heart to hear the connection Clarke has with her mother.

Clarke shakes her head and returns to Finn's side. "Mom, I need your help. One of our people was stabbed by a Grounder."

"Clarke," the voice over the radio changes again. "This is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?"

Clarke takes a deep breath. Closing her eyes, she says slowly, "Yes, the Earth is survivable. We're not alone."

There's a pregnant pause. Clara imagines those on the other side of the radio are taking the new information in. They have lived up in space for nearly a hundred years, believing that the earth below them was an inhabited wasteland. They didn't even have high hopes for the delinquent youth they sent down, and they come to find out that there have been people living in the ground the entire time? It took Clara a while to come to terms with this truth. But those on the other side of the radio don't have a while.

Clarke knows this, too. She meets Clara's eyes as she says to her mother up in the sky, "Mom, he's dying. The knife is still in his chest."

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