Chapter: 78

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L'a pov

Niyah was just on ig posting with her stomach all out. I still can't believe that's my child in there. She's 8 months now and bigger than ever. We just been doing last minute shit. Like packing her hospital bag, finishing up the nursery at my house cause hers is already done. We were currently out getting more baby clothes cause we kinda procrastinated on that, so she definitely doesn't have enough clothes. We came here for clothes but she has me buying the whole baby section.

"Aight, we need more diapers. You can never have too many diapers."

She said as she dragged me to the diaper section.

"Niyah, are you tryna buy the whole store?"

She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Babies need diapers L'a."

She said grabbing like 3 boxes of diapers.

"I know that but she doesn't need all this other shit."

"You can never be too prepared when it comes to babies L'a."

I just rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Probably not even gonna be able to wear half this shit."

I mumbled as we walked to cash out. Obviously I was paying for literally everything, even the shit Niyah got for her damn self.

"Anyways, how's your girlfriend doing?"

I looked at her.

"Do you really care? Or are you just tryna be petty rn?"

She shrugged and she was avoiding eye contact with me. This is the petty shit Niyah does 24/7. She knows she doesn't care.

"I can't ask?"

"Niyah, you know you don't care about how she's doing. Stop that shit. Unless you genuinely care about how she's doing, don't ask me nothing about her."

She sucked her teeth and looked at me.

"L'a, why do you have to be like that? All I did was ask you if she was ok!"

"Because Niyah, you don't care. You know you don't, you're just being petty right now and I don't find that shit funny at all. Especially after you know she just got shot."

"She's still living ain't she? Y'all the same ones that be saying 'niggas die everyday' but yet y'all making it seem like it's different with her and she ain't even die!"

"Niyah what are you talking about?"

I said taking out some money and paying for all the things.

"You say 'niggas die everyday' but yet, you act like it's a completely different situation with her. Like if she died I know for a fact you wouldn't be on that 'people die everyday' shit. I don't understand how that's what you go by but once it's Unika in that situation, you wanna act like niggas and ain't out here dying already."

I looked at her.

"Niyah just shut up because you're gonna piss me off."

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