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real life

"And in here is wardrobe." Stevie opened the door to the trailer, holding it wide so that Saoirse, Eliza and Timothée could come inside. "This is my rack here. You don't have to tell me my style is ugly, I already know."

"Why do you have an afro?" Timothée questioned, picking up the wig on the end of the clothing rack in question.

Stevie stifled a laugh and took the wig from Timothée's hands. "My character's Halloween costume is Bob Ross."

"Like the painter?!" Saoirse chuckled, earning a nod from Stevie.

"Is it like sexy Bob Ross?" Eliza asked.

"Nope, just Bob Ross. Beard and everything." Stevie shook her head.

"Can we go onto the actual set now?" Timothée queried. "I love seeing fake high schools."

"Sure." Stevie chuckled shaking her head at the boy. "Follow me." The group exited the trailer and walked quickly to the set.

"Just a pre-warning, everyone on this set is like an amateur photographer, so if you see a disposable camera just smile." Stevie explained.

"Can I smize?" Timothée joked, earning eye rolls from the three girls.

"Just through here." Stevie led the way, again holding the door open for her friends. The group walked onto the set and were met by Jacob, Hunter and Alexa waiting in the back for their next scenes.

"Hey." Stevie smiled, walking up to her cast mates. On her approach, Jacob wrapped his arm around Stevie and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. She blushed discreetly and turned back to introduce her two sets of friends to each other. She caught Timothée's gaze, which he quickly diverted to the ground.

"Saoirse, Eliza, Timothée, this is Alexa, Hunter and Jacob."

Jacob beelined for Timothée, stretching his hand out for the boy to shake. "Nice to meet you man. I'm a big fan of your work."

Timothée shook the boys hand loosely. "Thank you... Weren't you in that Netflix movie?"

Jacob scratched the back of his head uncomfortably. "Yeah, we don't talk about that." He grimaced, causing Stevie and her other cast mates to laugh.

"Don't even, I fucking loved The Kissing Booth." Eliza added. "I'm waiting for the sequel."

"I didn't realise we had another Aussie here!" Jacob grinned, reaching out and giving Eliza a hug. "Eliza, was it? Whereabouts are you from?"

"Sydney, and yourself?" Eliza smiled widely.

"Brisbane." Jacob chuckled. "Not that far."

"About 10 hours, but hey." Eliza laughed, shaking her head.

"So! What brings you all to visit the set today?" Hunter enquired.

"Well, I heard about Euphoria when it was first announced and I've been so hyped about it. Stevie asked us if we wanted to visit and I was literally foaming at the mouth." Saoirse explained.

"Yeah. That and I'm obsessed with Zendaya." Eliza added.

"Aren't we all." Alexa joked. "Seriously, when I first met her I was losing my fucking mind."

Jacob laughed along with the girl. "Thanks for coming to keep Stef company, anyway. It sucks because we have literally zero scenes together, so I always feel bad for her just sat in her trailer writing away."

"Writing?!" Timothée widened his eyes. "You're writing again?"

Stevie nodded shyly. "A little."

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐔𝐓,   timothée chalametOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz