𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚

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thursday 26th may 2022

Stevie burst into her apartment, dropping her bag onto the kitchen counter and fishing around inside of it for her phone. She had spent the day at her sister's looking after her two nieces, Stella and Lycia, whilst learning lines for her newest role as Rapunzel in the Tangled live action film. The two toddlers had actually been a great help, considering they arguably knew the storyline even better than Stevie did.

However, her day had been wholly consumed and she hadn't had the time to check up on her social media to see what was going on. She found her phone and unlocked it, finding a text from Charlotte. Her and Lily had moved to LA in March and ever since Charlotte had sent Stevie a text a day to tell her how much she missed her.

Meanwhile, Gia had sent videos to the group chat of her and Harry in the Bahamas, where they were celebrating their 1st anniversary. After the European tour, Harry had asked Gia to join him on the North American tour and then every tour after that. It took them both a while to admit that they saw each other as more than just a friend, but ever since they had started dating, their relationship had only gone from strength to strength.

Lola had responded with a few heart eye emojis. She had finally given up on the job search and just decided to start freelancing instead. She was married to her job... Until Stevie took her as her date to the SAG Awards and she met Na-Kel Smith. The two fell for each other instantly and decided to mix business and pleasure, launching their joint skate apparel brand just last year.

Stevie smiled, happy for all of her friends in their romantic endeavours. She typed a quick reply and locked her phone. She was hoping for a message from someone else. Sighing deeply, she walked over to the refrigerator and opened the door. Then she saw it.

A pink sticky note was stuck to a punnet of strawberries that hadn't been there this morning.

These strawberries have a very important date in Central Park at 6pm. Can you please ensure that they arrive there safely. (Our spot - T Xx)

Stevie grabbed the strawberries and her bag and rushed straight out of the door. She had never been so excited to go to Central Park. Timothée had been filming something in Atlanta for the past two weeks, which was the longest time that the pair had been apart since the first got back together in 2020.

Stevie had wanted to stay with him, but she had had to fly back to New York early to do screen tests with her potential Flynn Rider. Timothée had understood, of course. To quote him directly: "How cool are our future kids going to feel walking into Kindergarten knowing that their Mom is a Disney princess?"

Stevie rushed through the gates of the park and spotted him instantly. She bolted over to him and wrapped her arms around him, taking him slightly off guard. "Hi. I missed you."

He laughed and kissed her cheek softly. "Hey. I missed you too."


"Do you know what today is?" Timothée asked, tilting his head at the girl sat next to him on the blanket. She fiddled with a strawberry in her hands, slowly screwing until the green stem popped off the end.

"It's May 26th?" She queried, popping the strawberry into her mouth. She lay down on her side so that her head was next to Timothée's knees, her hair tickling his ankles.

"It is May 26th." He confirmed, stifling a laugh. "10 years ago today, on this very spot, at this very minute was—"

"Our first date." Stevie cut him off, snapping her head up to look at him. "Fuck. I completely forgot."

"Nah, I didn't expect you to remember." He shook his head. "I mean it's only the first romantic exchange that you ever had with the love of your life, any normal person would forget that."

"Shut up." She turned over now so that she lay on her back and rested her head in his lap, staring straight up at him.

He started braiding a tiny section of hair at the front of her head, causing Stevie to close her eyes and relax a little. "Anyway. I was just thinking that we should celebrate it. Like who would have thought we'd be able to do this again 10 years later?"

"10 years has flown by so quickly that it makes me feel kinda sick." Stevie added, causing Timothée to chuckle.

He finished the braid he was working on and moved on to the next. "I just think that a lot can happen in 10 years. And I'm very happy that whatever happened brought us back together."

"I know what you mean. Like those years when we didn't talk feel like forever ago now. We've been back together for longer than we were broken up I swear." She murmured, just loud enough for Timothée to hear.

He chuckled. "Over the past decade, we've spent 5 years and one month as boyfriend and girlfriend."

"So, we basically spent half the decade in love with each other and the other half hating each other." Stevie joked, opening one eye to watch his reaction. "Also, are you trying to turn me into Travis Scott?"

"I never hated you. I could never hate you." He mumbled, looking straight at her. "And maybe, we'll see."

"I'm pretty happy with how we've spent the past decade, anyhow." She closed her eye again and relaxed as Timothée continued to braid her hair.

"I was listening to your old song on the way here. Conversation." Timothée started, causing Stevie's eyebrows to knit together in confusion. "And I haven't really listened to the lyrics in so long. No one makes me high like you do. No one lets me down like you do. No one loves me quite like you do."

"Mmm." Stevie nodded and opened her eyes. She flipped onto her front so that she could see him more clearly. He seemed like he wanted to have a more serious conversation. "What about it?"

"It just made me think. It's true. No one I've been with has ever made me feel the way you make me feel. All the time I wasted pretending they did... I don't want to waste any more time."

"Okay." Stevie nodded, smiling up at him. Sometimes he said things she didn't quite understand in a literal sense, but did in the feeling that his words gave her. "I don't want to waste any more time either."

"Good." He nodded and leant forward, tucking Stevie's three braids behind her ear. "Stevie. Marry me?"

"Marry you?" She croaked out. She hadn't been expecting this. Her mouth hung open, like she was going to say something but couldn't grasp which words would be most appropriate.

He leaned backwards and fumbled in his pocket for a few moments before brandishing a ring. "It's been in a box on top of the fridge for the past 2 months." He smirked at her. "I know you can't reach that high, so... But, yeah... Stevie, it's always been you. It's always going to be you. Would you do me the honour of being my wife?"

"Of course I will." She leapt forward and kissed him, knocking him onto his back. She lay on top of him, kissing him again and again and again. And she was in agreement that she too would never want to kiss anyone else other than him in her lifetime. Or rather, in their lifetime.


thank u all so much for all ur support
throughout this story 🥺
this has been my most successful story
so far & seeing all your votes &
reading all your comments has
inspired me so much ❤️

again thank u so much :)
hopefully see u all on the next story

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐔𝐓,   timothée chalametWhere stories live. Discover now