𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙬𝙤

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real life

Stevie woke up late. 1pm, with a tear stained pillow and a sore head. Her mind flicked back to the night before and she felt a pang of embarrassment in her stomach. It's one thing to unload onto a friend, but Timothée was basically a co-worker and she had really made things pretty fucking awkward.

She pulled back her duvet and escaped into the living room, where Charlotte lay face down asleep on the couch in last night's clothes. "Rise and shine." She cooed, ruffling her best friends hair.

Charlotte twitched slightly, before opening a single eye. "What year is it?" She groaned.

Stevie chuckled, shaking her head. "How long did you end up staying out last night?"

"Like 5am." Charlotte grumbled and flipped her body around so that she was on her back. She rubbed her eyes, smudging her make up even further across her cheeks than it had been before. "Oh my god, Stevie! I had the best time! Lily is the coolest, nicest, prettiest girl I've ever had the privilege of meeting."

"Really?" Stevie widened her eyes in surprise, ignoring the tight feeling that she felt in her chest. "What about Timothée? Do you think he's changed much since high school?"

Charlotte frowned at her best friend. "Timothée? What with all of the two words that I exchanged with him?"

Stevie frowned back. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you guys left so abruptly I didn't really get a chance to talk to him." Charlotte blinked slowly. "Can you get me a glass of water, please?"

Stevie started walking towards the open plan kitchen. "Okay, now I'm lost."

"I only said like two words to him before you guys went to the bar and then left because you were sick." Charlotte called to her, putting emphasis on the word sick, largely because she could tell that Stevie had faked it.

"Yeah, I was sick. Timothée wasn't." She corrected, returning back to the room with a glass of water in hand.

"Yeah, but he still walked you home." Charlotte held out her hand for the glass.

"No. He didn't!" She passed the water over to her friend.

"He didn't?" Charlotte sipped her water, furrowing her brow slightly. "That's what he told us."

"What?" Stevie sat down next to her on the couch.

"He told us that you'd stepped outside because you weren't feeling well so he was gonna take you home." She explained.

"No. I had a drunken rant at him about me being a sad little loner, then I left the bar alone and got a cab home alone. Because I am destined to be forever alone." Stevie elaborated, still feeling slightly dismayed from the previous night.

"Okay, so he just lied to us all? Including his girlfriend." Charlotte raised an eyebrow, before throwing a glance over at Stevie. "And lowkey so did you. But you said that you were sad so I'm not gonna pull you up on it."

"I guess? Is that weird?" Stevie wondered aloud. This was how the pair worked together. They basically shared a brain. Any thought was safe between the two of them.

"I mean, I'd find that weird. But maybe I'm just possessive? I don't know." Charlotte shrugged.

"Why would you tell your current girlfriend that you were gonna leave her there and walk your ex girlfriend home because she wasn't feeling well. Also why was Lily just 100% fine with that?" Stevie furrowed her brow in confusion as Charlotte lay back down, resting her legs on top of the girl.

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