𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣

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real life

"Ok. Mom, they are calling us to board now so I'll talk to you soon, ok?" Stevie spoke into her phone. "I love you, bye." She smiled before hanging up the phone.

"You're such a fucking liar." Timothée chuckled under his breath, looking up momentarily from the book in his hands. They were currently sat in the lounge for their gate, their flight wasn't actually boarding for another 30 minutes. The truth was that Stevie wanted some time alone with Timothée before they met up with the rest of the group in Paris. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't enjoying their arrangement. She had stayed with him at his apartment almost every night since the premiere, which was especially a relief since she'd been temporarily crashing at her parent's place ever since she moved out of her apartment with Charlotte. She felt like both an adult and a teenager at the same time.

"It's only in her best interest. If I talk to her for any longer then she'll just worry." She smiled at him, before slumping back into her seat. Across the lounge, she saw a teenage girl sneaking photos of the pair. She let out a deep sigh. Stevie was used to living a very public life, however, the media hype around her and Timothée's relationship was on a different level. Prying eyes lay around every corner and she could never be sure if they were truly alone or not. They had never had to deal with that before.

"What?" Timothée raised an eyebrow, closing his book and turning to look at Stevie. He was oblivious to the girl.

"You're sure that you don't want to tell Greta and Saoirse about us?" She asked, trying her hardest to subtly draw his attention to the girl.

"100%." He shook his head as if this was the obvious and only solution. "It's embarrassing. I don't want them knowing my business like that." He studied Stevie for a moment, sussing out whether or not he had upset her. She widened her eyes at him and shoved her head in the direction of a teenage girl with her phone aimed directly at them. "Oh."

"Yeah. It's so fucking annoying." Stevie shook her head. "I've never had it that bad before."

"It's just the combination of the two of us together." He reassured her. "There are probably 20 other people taking pictures of us right now that we can't even see."

A voice came over the speaker to announce that their flight was now boarding. Timothée shoved his book into his rucksack and Stevie slid her phone into her coat pocket, both of them making their way to the doors to the gate.

They walked through the gate and onto the plane. Stevie collapsed into the window seat of the third row, with Timothée dropping into the seat next to her. She slipped her headphones over her ears and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Stevie was awoken by an intense beam of sunlight streaming in through the slightly ajar window. She blinked a few times, before reaching out a shakey hand and opening the window fully to see what was on the other side. Beneath her were fields and fields and fields. All she could see were various hues of green. She turned to the screen in front of her seat and looked at the map; they were currently flying over the North-West of France and would be arriving in Paris in mere minutes.

Stevie went to remove her headphones and felt a mop of curly hair on her shoulder. She turned to look and saw Timothée's head asleep on her shoulder. Stevie tapped him lightly to wake him, her eyes darting around to check that the teenager from the lounge was nowhere around to take any pictures. Timothée started to stir and Stevie began gathering everything that she needed so that she could make it through passport control as quickly as possible. She wasn't mentally prepared to deal with the herds of tourists that would be filling up the aisles waiting to get their passports checked and collect their luggage.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐔𝐓,   timothée chalametWhere stories live. Discover now