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Cold, that's all I could feel.

The sound of snow crunching beneath my feet as I run through the woods.

I always wanted to see the snow, touch it, eat it, make a snowman. Do all the stuff a kid wanted to do once they see snow.

But that was years ago, I got older and the dream of seeing it washed away. That was until my best friend Damian asked me to join him on one of his hunting trips. Said it will take my mind off the troubling times we're currently in.

The Great Depression, that's what everyone seems to be calling it, is at its worst. Family's are becoming homeless, there are more and more orphans on the streets. People are dying of hunger, and jobs are harder to get then ever.

It's funny, I haven't really been all to keen to notice the worlds troubles until now. My friend Damian was always there to care for me during these times that I just didn't notice how much everyone has been suffering.

Now what do you call that?





Oh now I know....


I was selfish, I never once cared for anyone but my self. I used Damian knowing he likes me for my own gain. I would do anything terrible if it meant I would come out unscathed in the end.

I was a predator, I would look for prey and hunt them down so I would survive. Not even thinking once that my actions would have horrible consequences. And poor Damian was my favorite prey, he would go out hunting, come back with food and fur and make decent money for us both to live off of.

And what did I do? Nothing, absolutely nothing. And for once in my life I felt awful about not helping, and when Damian asked me to join him in the mountains to go hunting with him. I felt like I could finally make it up to him.

We left together, and headed north towards the mountains. I should have know something wasn't right, when Damian leaves for his hunting trips he usually comes back within the next 5 hours. We didn't live far from a small forest, so he'll usually catch rabbits, birds or on great days deer. So why are we going to the mountains that is almost a full day trip away?

We left early morning and we got there in the middle of the night. I should have left a long time ago, I knew I should have. But I couldn't, me being stubborn wanted to show Damian that I could help for once in my life. And so we walked....

And walked.....

And walked....

Until we finally stopped.

Damian turns towards me, rifle in hand and says in an emotionless tone.

"Do you know how much someone is willing to pay for human organs these days?"

He then begins to load his rifle while his eyes are still looking straight at me. I couldn't move, I felt like his stare was holding me down. He finished loading his rifle and moves closer.

"I asked you a question (Y/N)."
"How much do you think?"

His hands are on my shoulders now with his rifle hanging off his back, eyes still staring into mine. I'm scared, for once in my life I'm scared. And so all I could do was be honest and answer.

"I-I don't know m-much?"

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and chuckled. His grip on my shoulders getting tighter, he opens his eyes. And leans into my right ear, whispering.

"A hell of a lot my deer."

Deer? Did he just call me a deer? Or did he mean dear? God I'm over thinking this!

He chuckles again, leaning back.

"I'll give you 1 minute."

"What?" 1 minute? What did he mean by that? Oh.....oh

I just realized what he meant and I guess he knew that too because he goes straight to counting.


RUN!! That was all I could think of at the moment. I ran deeper in the woods trying to remember the path we took to get here. Hoping I would run into a near by town and into safety. I ran so far I could no longer hear him counting as I continue to run through these woods.

It's cold, the snow is getting into my boots as I run. My finger tips turning blue and my (S/C) skin becoming the palest I have ever seen it be.

I could no longer feel my feet, but I continued to run. I look back for a split second and I can see Damian catching up. Shit! He followed my tracks in the snow!

I face forward again and run faster.

"You can't run forever my deer!"

For the first time, I'm the prey. And I fucking hated it. Being chased like a doe running from a wolf. This is what I deserve, this is the shit I get for being a selfish friend. If I can even call myself that.

I caused Damian to do this, if I was nicer, if I helped us earn money he wouldn't be trying to kill me right now. If I could have been a bett-


A gun shot rang through my ears....

Out of all this cold...I felt warm, in my chest. I look down to see my dress shirt, it's white color slowly turning into a crimson red.

I was shot.

I fall to the ground, the warmth in my chest being replaced by the cold snow I now lay in. The beauty of the white snow being covered in my blood. I can hear Damian walking up to my body.

I feel so tired, so so so tired.

My eyes start to slowly close.

Damian, I'm sorry I couldn't be a good friend to you. If this will help you then I guess I'm ok with it now.

My last breath escapes my now blue lips.

And all I could feel was cold.



Ok never mind I feel fucking hot!

I'm falling and it's getting really hot!!!!






"Owww." I bring my hand up to my head rubbing a bump I just got from that fall.
"Where the hell am I?"

I start to look around and my question was instantly answered when I see a giant sing that says in flashing bold letters.

Welcome To Hell!!!

"Why am I not surprised?"

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Age: 25
Time/date of death: 12:45am December, 25th 1932

Hope you enjoyed this first chapter of the story!! It's going to be a Comedy/Romance so this is the closest to serious this story might get. Plus I love slow relationships so it's not gonna take 4 chapters to get the characters together. Nah I don't do that, I like to take my time. And I hope you do too!!!

Snow In Hell (Alastor x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now