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~ "Dibs on the sausage."~

Your POV

I see Angel begin to fill his plate full of sausage, not knowing if he's trying to be funny or he just really likes sausage.

"Angel you do know that other people at the table might want that, so at least save one for each of us." I say as everyone else starts to sit down as well.

"Ok mom." He says while putting enough sausages back so that everyone could get one. Vaggie and Charlie sit across from Angel and Husker and Nifty sit next to him. Loona came in just now and looks at me.

"(Y/N) I'm needed at I.M.P I won't be back until later tonight." And with that she leaves.

I nod as she exits and I grab myself a plate of (Favorite Breakfast) and begin to fill my mug with chocolate milk.

Loona then comes sprinting in and grabs a seat next to Charlie. I look at her confused, her face was one of horror. I was about to ask her what happened but then you see HIM walk into the kitchen.

"Why good morning everyone! Oh my I see you're all having a wonderful breakfast!" Alastor says as he strolls over to the seat right across from you.

I give him a glare and turn my attention to Loona, I've never seen her so scared before. Well I have but that was when she walked in on Blitzo using the sink in the lunch room as a bathtub. Don't question it, even I don't understand.

"Loona didn't you say you were needed at I.M.P?" Charlie asked while stuffing a pancake in her mouth.

"Yeah....well." She hesitates while shifting her gaze to Alastor and I. She then keeps her gaze on me while pleading eyes. I stand up from my chair.

"If you don't mind, I'll be right back. I need to make a quick phone call." I begin to leave the kitchen while my eyes ate on Loona giving her a look to follow me. She also stands up and excuses herself.

I lead her into a hallway away from everyone. "Are you ok? Did that strawberry shit face do anything to you?" I questioned her with my hands on her shoulders. All she does is sigh and look away.

"Kinda, I don't fully know what happened. I was just about to leave the hotel when I see him walking up to me. He didn't say anything, but the look on his was just pure hatred! But he still had that fucking grin on his face, I bet he would have killed me then and there! But something stopped him." She then looks back at me, her face contorted of horror and sadness.

"I don't know what I did to get him so upset with me, I haven't even talked once to him!!!" She starts to get aggravated still trying to understand what happened.

I bring her down to my height and being to rub her head and scratch behind her ears. She normally wouldn't let anyone do this, but right now she just needed it to help calm down.

"Loona you have nothing to worry about, as long as we help Charlie, he knows he can't harm us or his deal with Charlie will go down the drain and whatever 'plans' he has would ultimately fail."

I then bring her face close to mine giving her a serious look. "And if he even dares to try to lay a finger on you or anyone else I care for, he is as good as dead." I pat her back and send her off back to the kitchen to eat.

I stand in the hallway for a good second by myself and ponder. 'What did Loona ever do to get the Radio Demon upset with her?' I begin to pace back and forth still thinking. 'Does he have a bad history with Hellhounds?' No that can't be it....can it?

I decided to just head back to the kitchen and think more about this after a full stomach. Once I get there I hear yelling. Oh shit here we go again.

I enter the kitchen to see Vaggie yelling at Alastor with Charlie holding her back. I joined to late to know what they were fighting over, well it was mainly Vaggie 'fighting' Alastor just sat there grinning at the scene.

"Vaggie sit down and relax you're going to give yourself a aneurysm." I state as I make my way back to my seat and continue to eat my breakfast.

She made a 'Hphm' sound and sat back in her chair with Charlie siting back into her's.

We all continue to eat in silence, which didn't last long. Angel grabs one of the many beignets I made. "You know Nifty, if you would let me back into the kitchen to cook I wouldn't mind it if you taught me the recipe for these pastry things."

Angel then puts the beignet in his mouth leaving a bunch of powder sugar on his face. Nifty giggles at this and shakes her head.

"Silly, I didn't make any of this. It was all (Y/N) she helped me by cooking today, all I did was set up the table."

I wasn't fully paying attention on what was happening, I was just stuffing my face with (Favorite Breakfast) until I look over to see everyone giving me impressed looks.

"What?" I ask, mouth slight full of food.

"You made all of THIS?!" Angel asked while pointing to the table full of delicious food.

"Yeah, why?" I take another bite of my food.

"Why?! You made enough food to feed an army and at the quality that even the most critic of chiefs would say 'finally some good fucking food'!"

I swallowed my food and leaned back into my chair. "You done?"

Angel combs back his hair with his hand and sighs. "Yeah, but I'm still wanting to know the recipe for these bad bois." He grabs another beignet and eats it.

I grab one as well and hold it up I front of him. "For starters these are beignets, and no I won't teach you the recipe. It's my mothers and I plan on keeping that between me and her. These were her favorite." And with that I eat it.

Alastor looks over at me and smirks. "Beignets are a very popular treat in Louisiana, do you happen to be from there my dear?"

I look around the table for a bit and sigh looking back up at him and shake my head. "No, my mom was from Louisiana. I was born and raised in Idaho, she went there for a show and met my dad, stayed and had me and left back to her home after I turned 18."

He takes in the information smiles, I knew by that grin he wanted to pry more into my life. And boy was I right because he goes straight into it with a question I never fully answered before with anyone. I wasn't afraid or ashamed of it but it was just a question I had a hard time answering.

"If it's alright for me to ask, (Y/N) how did you die and end up here in hell?"

Surprise!!! I'm sick!!!! I've slept a lot these past days while trying to write this but kept passing out. Plus with work it sucked :,) but now I have the next 3 days off so I shall sit in bed and write away. Lol

Snow In Hell (Alastor x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now