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I screamed as I woke up from the long nightmare I just forced myself to had. Wasn't my best idea but it was something that needed to be done.

I look around my surroundings and noticed I was still in my ice cocoon. It was a little cramped so I removed just a couple layers so I could stand.

I then noticed Angel across the room not looking too good. I try to call to him but he wouldn't wake up. Either he was in a bad condition or my ice was blocking out my voice.

So I decided to make a hole within the layers and called for him again but this time it worked. I saw his head go up and down for a bit until he fully lifted it up and stared at me.

"What the fuck?" He slightly yelled as he stood up quickly. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Long story, I'll explain later! I need you to escape for me to get help ok!" I explained while bringing my face to the hole I made.

"Me escape? Are you stupid or something? For starters I'm chained up and second even if I was free from these chains I can't just waltz on out!"

Shit he had a point, I frantically looked around until I spotted a vent on the ceiling. Angel was tall enough to reach it with the help of box, which I can make. And it's a pretty big vent, it's just begging to be used for an escape!

I started to hear people talking pretty loudly from the door and quietly pointed towards the vent and made a box shape with my hands.

Angel looks at me confused and I sighed. Through the hole I made and pointed my finger and froze Angel's chains so he could easily snap them.

Luckily he understood what I just did and broke the chains. I then closed the hole and walked to the other side of my cocoon that was facing the vent and made a quick door out of the ice.

I needed to be up close and with both hands to do so. I broke my chains as well and ran through the door I made and quickly formed a box under the vent.

I signaled Angel over, he comes quickly and hops on the box. "Why don't you escape with me?" He whispered.

"If I did, it will just cause more problems and probably lead to the destruction of the hotel. I can't risk that."

"Won't they be upset if I'm gone and come looking for me?"

"I'll take care of that now go!" I started to push him up to help.

Once he was gone I made the box disappear and ran back to my cocoon and got rid of the door so there was no way in or out again.

I reattached the broken chains and fixed it with ice, hoping this would fool them.

And with that I hear the door begin to open. I see Vox and his gang come into the room and all of them gave the same 'wtf' face once they saw me.

Valentino looked around the room and noticed Angel wasn't here and he was angry.

He comes running up to my ice cocoon and slams his fist onto the ice, you could hear a loud crack but there was no damage done to the ice.

Valentino grabs his fist in pain and glares at me. "Where is he!!!" He yelled.

"Who?" I asked with a slight sarcastic tune to my voice.

"You know who!! Now where is he!!!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, it's only been me in this room."

Valentino turns his heads towards Damian in even more rage. "We told you to lock him up in here!!"

Snow In Hell (Alastor x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now