Oh Shit

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~ "Wait what?" ~

Narrator's POV

Everyone is sitting at the bar, Millie is explaining to Moxxie that she likes Angel for his drag performances that he'll do at local clubs. Loona is contemplating if she should have another beer and suffer a even worse hangover or not.

And (Y/N), listening to Blitzo ramble on and on about all these 'ideas' he has for the future of the company. You really just wanted to head back to bed and sleep, and with hearing Blitzo talk a whole bunch nonsense, it really wasn't helping.

You decided to finally zone out Blitzo and look around the bar. Everything seems to be good, Millie and Moxxie are laughing about something, Loona gave in to having more booze. So you decide to give your attention to the rest of the room.

Nothing all to special, Angel is on a couch sucking a popsicle, Charlie is listening to this small cyclops demon talk about cleaning. And Vaggie is being all grumpy in a chair looking around the room kinda like how you are. But with more of a judging stare.

Back to the bar you've come to notice the bartender who is getting strongly annoyed with Blitzo, turns out while you zoned him out Blitzo decided just to tell the bartender everything he liked about himself, much the the bartenders constant "Fuck off!"

"Blitzo, leave the man be." You say while putting your head down on the bar ready to just take a nap. That's when you hear it, static.

If your skin can get any paler than it is now it would. You haven't felt this scared since the day you died and went to hell. Out of curiosity you bring your head back up and look towards the static sound.

"Oh shit."

You mumble under your breath, but Blitzo managed to hear you and looks over at what you were looking at.

"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw! Isn't this just perfect." Blitzo starts to rub his temples, he wasn't liking what he was seeing.

This time everyone at the bar heard what Blitzo just said and they all look over in the same direction. Everyone except the bartender looked shocked/Scared.

There he was.....the Radio Demon!
Having a pleasant conversation with Charlie.

He has this smile that just says 'up to no good'. You remember the day he first came to hell, a year after you died you were still looking for a place to officially stay. You didn't want to spend another second in that god awful motel.

You enter the nearest cafe to hear the news and to get some tea, but the moment you stepped foot in there, all you could hear was screams coming through the static of the cafe radio. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand straight up.

You heard screams before, but these ones were different, more sinister. Everyone in the cafe was scared shitless from what they were hearing and who could blame them, you were too. The screaming finally stops, and you start to hear something else.


Who every was broadcasting this seemed to enjoy it a little too much, because the laughter gets louder and more sadistic. That's when the owner of the cafe had enough and turned off the radio. Ever since then everyone started to call him the Radio Demon, you were just lucky to not run into him.....until now.

And you were hating every second of it. What made it worse was that he was looking straight at you. With that stupid ass grin on his face, he makes his way over to you and your coworkers.

He looks like he was about to talk to you but instantly turns his direction to your boss Blitzo instead. Normally you would have been offended by this, but this time you were just relieved.

"Why hello there good sir! Charlie has told me all about you and your plans to help out at this fine establishment!"

Blitzo nods and looks over to you with a evil smirk on his face. Oh no he wouldn't!

"You know, most of our idea came from this wonderful lady right behind you." He than slides over to you, patting your back. "Oh and would you look at the time, I should really head home and feed my cat!! Bye!!" And just like that he's gone.

"But he doesn't even like cats." Millie scratched her head in confusion.

The Radio Demon looks down at you with that grin of his getting even wider. He brings his hand up to you and you reluctantly gave him yours thinking it was just going to be a quick shake.

"The names Alastor! And who might you be dear?" He then brings your hand up to his mouth giving it a slight kiss on top of it.

"(Y/N) and please don't call me dear. Not against you or anything....I just don't like being called that for....reasons." You say as you quickly bring your hand back free from his grasp.

"I'll keep note of that dear." He than leaves with this smirk plastered on his face.

'Asshole' you thought as you turn back to the bartender and asked for a beer. You just wanted to forget what just happened, and you really wanted to punch Blitzo for ditching you guys like that.

The bartender hands you a beer and takes a drink from his own. "Husk."

"What?" You asked.

"Names Husk, but some call me Husker you choose, now start drinking. You're going to need a lot to forget that Bambi reject over there." He says while taking another sip from his drink pointing at Alastor.

You chuckled at the nickname because that's what Loona would call you at work. Man the joke is somewhat funny when it happens to someone other than yourself.

You bring the beer up to your lips only to be interrupted by an explosion outside. 'Now what!' You thought, can this day get anymore hectic?!

Everyone runs outside to see Blitzo being chased around by non other then Sir Pentious. You remembered his name from 666 news when he got into a turf war with Cherri Bomb.

"Come back here you little red gremlin!!!"

"It's not my fault that your sense of fashion is outrageous!!! Like seriously, you look like a major bottom bitch with that hat! Isn't that thing alive? So I'm basically not wrong!!" Blitzo try's to defend himself while Sir Pentious just gets even more frustrated. He stops and pulls out a giant death ray.

As much as you were upset with Blitzo, you didn't want him to die.....yet. So you ready your hand with a finger gun pointing it at the death ray.

"Not on my watch!"

:D I edited the chapter because I really liked to call Husk, Husker. Which is the nickname given to him by Alastor but people were getting confused which is my fault for not explaining and so I fixed it. (Y/N) is still gonna call him by his nickname though. I just really like the nickname Husker.

Snow In Hell (Alastor x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now