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Ughhh fuck my head hurts!

I get up well rubbing my head trying to stop the god awful headache I had. But in doing so I heard chains moving so I looked towards the sound and saw that my hands and legs were chained up the the wall behind me.

At least the chains were long enough for me to stand up and walk a good couple inches ahead of me. I would normally think this was a dumb idea of the kidnappers because it gives me some leverage to fight back.

But knowing who kidnapped me, it would be dumb of me to even think of fighting back.

I sigh and leaned against the wall, this gave me some time to think before my kidnappers arrived.

I looked at the chains being remembered of the time in my nightmare when Damian kidnapped me.

I remembered that scientists electrocuting me, and how I unconsciously attacked my father. Then Damian came in and killed him in one shot.

But I know I was missing more, there was still a good year or so of missing memories. How many people has Damian made me kill? Who were they? And how old were they?

I wanted to know, and I was going to know. If I remembered some of the stuff in that nightmare. Might as well get comfy cause this girl is going to sleep.

But what if they come while I'm sleeping? I want to remember everything in this one nightmare so it's going to take some time. Then I had an idea, I know my powers are strong but I want to see just how strong.

As I sit down I move my chained hands in front of me and closed my eyes. I wanted to make sure that not even Vox can get through this ice.

I started to use my powers, I could feel the cold air forming around me and it felt comforting. I open my eyes again and started to form a ice wall around me.

Just in case they break the first layer I'm going to make multiple until it starts to touch me, just so I can be a dick. And so I started to form each ice layer after the other until the wall was touching me.

I then proceeded to the the same but above me so they can't get in from the top. Once I was done and satisfied I got comfortable and started to close my eyes again trying to fall asleep.

But before I did I said one final thing before sleep took over me. "Once I'm done, I'm soooo going to destroy Damian's ass."

And with that I had fallen asleep.

Damian's POV

I'm sitting next to Velvet waiting for Vox and Valentino to return from interrogating that slutty spider, what ever his name is.

Apparently Valentino found him and wasn't happy he was outside of studio grounds.

Then some stuff happened and it turned out he knew where (Y/N) was hiding. And so Vox went to pick her up and he instructed me to chain her up as he went back to ask more questions to the spider.

"God this is boring! Why can't we just kill them both and be done!" I explained as I sulked one more into couch I was on.

"Because Vox wants (Y/N) alive, said he was interested in her or something. And Angel Dust is one of Valentino's favorites so we can't just go killing him." Velvet said while still being interested in her phone.

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