Wakey Wakey

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I feel suffocated..........

As if someone is pushing down on me......

No wait someone is pushing down on me!!!!

"Hmm hphm hmmhhh!!!" I tried to yell but couldn't so I resulted in the next best thing, kicking like crazy!

My face was covered and I couldn't breath and it fucking sucked, my claustrophobia was starting to kick in. I managed to get a good kick on the person who was suffocating me making them fall off my bed.

I jolt up aiming my finger at the figure, the room was dark but I could see their eyes are glowing.

"Freeze! Who are you?" I asked while getting closer aiming my finger to their head.

The light in the room randomly turns on and i'm face to face with Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie were next to each other in the distance. Why the hell are they all in my room?! Moxxie was near the light switch with a terrified face.

I lower my hand for a second but quickly punched Blitzo yeeting him into my door, which made an indent.

He gets up and rubs his face in pain. "You really need to stop doing that."

"Yeah well you shouldn't have tried suffocating me ass hat!"

"Hey it's not my fault you were screaming so god damn loud in your sleep. I thought it was the best way to wake you up, and to keep the screaming down."

I closed my eyes pinching the bridge of my nose and sighed in defeat knowing full well it's impossible to win an argument with an idiot. "Well I'm awake, what do you want?"

"Well I came to tell you some good news and really really bad news, which one would you like to hear first?"

"The bad one." I pinched even harder keeping my eyes closed shut getting ready to hear what he has to say.

"Vox sent some people to our company and destroyed the place, saying that he wants you." I shot my eyes open fast. What the hell does Vox want with me...ohhhhhh that's right.....Bruce, well he really shouldn't know I did that unless Bruce told him. Plus that incident with Damian, looks like Mr. TV man is upset with me.

"And the good news?"

"We're all gonna be neighbors!!!! They also destroyed our homes looking for you but they don't know you live here yet!"

"Oh no."

"Oh yes! And to celebrate we're going to have dinner together, like a real family." Blitzo said with tears forming in his eyes.

"Well not wanting to risk the hotel I think it's best I stay inside for while until this search for me dies down." I said as I sat back down on my bed.

"Why not cook us something (Y/N)??!!! You're really good at cooking!" Millie proclaimed while running up to me with puppy dog eyes.

"I-I uh...ugh fine, only because I can't say no to a face like that." Millie cheers and hugs me tightly.

"Can't breath." I wheezed out while tapping her shoulder really fast.

"Oops sorry." She let's go of me and heads back to Moxxie. I look over to the two, "Moxxie and Millie, I won't be able to leave this place for a while so can I count on you two to do the little 'Therapy' job I have here in the shed next to the hotel?"

Moxxie does a thumbs up. "Sure thing (Y/N)."

"Why not have me do it?" Blitzo looks up at me making a sad face, which I can't deny was just a little but adorable......just a little bit.

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