Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Lavanya walked inside the room as if it was her own and sat next to Khushi. She grinned like a small girl, who wanted to convince her friend to do some prank. Khushi enjoyed her presence, even she felt the urgent need to be alone and beam herself back to her protected tower.

She left this place too often in the last few days. Rifts occurred everywhere on the protecting walls and the door was bright open for everyone to enter her protective place. Three years ago, she started building her own world. The world full of security and numbness. Day by day, she built the Tower higher and higher. She renounced the windows and accepted only one door.

Every time Khushi opened the door and walked inside her tower, she locked it from inside and destroyed the key, so that no one could enter her safe place. It was a place no one could take her out without her will, but Arnav managed to open the door with a bang and forced her out, to be in his own world.

He didn't simply opened the door, but hit it against the wall, in the process of the opening. He hit it with such a force, that the walls cracked and the rifts remained still visible.

And now that Khushi tried to go back, Lavanya entered the room with all her happiness. She took her phone out and gave it to Khushi, obviously waiting for something. As soon as Khushi took the phone in her hand, she realized Lavanyas intention. This was their special way of communication and it seemed Lavanya wanted her questions answered right now.

The thing was that Khushi didn't want to talk. Not now. Not actually ever. But, Lavanya has her way to bring Khushi to melt. Same was with Arnav. He managed to crack Khushi's protective wall every time she decided to put it around her, to protect her soul from being crushed again.

That's why she wanted, no needed to go back to her tower, where no one could hurt her. Her mind craved the peace of silence and loneliness. She allowed Arnav too much and has already given too much. She knew it was needful to get what she wanted from him in return. She knew that coming closer to him was just a needful part of her plan. And she tried to think of this, every time he came closer because it was so hard to keep her cool. It was so hard to remember who he actually was.

She hated herself every time she came closer to him and allowed him to touch her. She hated the closeness and peace. She was scared of the impact on her already scared soul. And still, the moments when he held her in his arms became somehow the best part of the day. Khushi found peace and felt protected in Arnav's arms. Somehow she started to believe that the life can be good, but then the same life taught her, nothing was endless. Nothing was really safe and no one was able to give her safety for eternity. One day people love you and treat you as family. Treat you as lover. But then, next day come and you are a stranger. Unwanted garbage that needed to be thrown out and removed from life.

Lavanya flicked her fingers in front of Khushi and brought her back to reality.

>>So? How about we start our girl's day and have some fun, while the guys earn some money.<<

Khushi tried to figure out what the Girl's day was, because she never experienced one. She looked down to the phone and tipped... Girl's Day?... She showed it to Lavanya and Lavanya smiled bright.

>> Ok, on the Girl's Day, girls do what they like to do. They make their hair. Put make up on. Dress up nice clothes. Not to forget, eat the food they usually won't eat because of, you know? Weight and other things. Oh, and they dance and watch love films dreaming of their prince charming. I know you already got yours, but I am still dreaming. So what you say, shall we start?<<

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