Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Arnav woke up and felt like a big train rolled over him. Every part of his body pained, but that wasn't the worst part. His soul was aching too. He opened his eyes and knew that he has to face the future and past at the same time. He knew the next days are going to kill him, but accepted it because he has to. His destiny has been already written and he was here only to find out the whole truth.

Standing up and needing to do it slowly, Arnav realized where he was.

The sun was shining down brightly and strongly over him while moon and stars were all gone. Even though the day was just about to start, Arnav craved the darkness.

He walked inside his room and tried to find his phone. Bottles were laying all around on the floor and he slowly picked them up. Then he remarked dried blood on his hands and shirt. He put the bottles on the table and walked to the bathroom. He didn't cared about the blood. All he wanted was to be prepared in order to start searching for the truth.


Mahendra stood on the door and didn't move. He heard that Khushi said the word wait and his heart beat faster after hearing her voice. Mahedra wanted, no needed to take Khushi home. It was one of Arnav's wishes he wanted to fulfill.

Slowly, he turned around and looked at her.

>>I am coming with you.<<

He carefully breathed out and smiled. Anjali wasn't happy but she wasn't also sad. She knew she booked tickets for her long vacation and he understood that she wanted to go to this trip. Well, he was going to take care of Khushi so he wasn't disappointed at all.

Lavanya took Khushi's hand and pulled her towards Mahendra. He had talked to Lavanya before they came to Anjali's house to take Khushi and she seemed to be very nice and sweet girl. Arnav sent her to be with Khushi and stay with her as long as needed. And she seemed to want to be with Khushi too. Maybe then, his new daughter would feel more comfortable in her new home.

Mahendra was very glad that Khushi decided to come with him.

He opened the door and waited for her to follow him out. Khushi walked to him, fear was evident in her eyes that's why he felt the need to console her.

>>Don't worry. Everything is going to be ok. And Anjali and Shiyam can always visit you. Of course, you can go back to Anjali after she comes back from her vacations if you don't feel comfortable staying with us.<<

Not that he planned to let her go so easily. Mahendra knew he was going to do whatever it takes to keep her with him and his wife.

They left together and when they reached the house it was Manorama who waited on the door with plate in her hands and tears in her friendly eyes. She welcomed Khushi as everyone would welcome his child into the house. It was beautiful, yet so surreal to see someone wanting her in his house. If Lavanya didn't hold Khushi's hand while Manorama did the traditional welcoming ritual, Khushi would be back in the darkest part of her mind. The place where she didn't like to be.

Manorama was extremely friendly and warm towards Khushi. If Khushi hadn't been traumatized from her past, she would have opened up to Manorama but she wasn't ready for this step. She was always friendly but also extremely distanced toward everyone and she intended to do the same with Mahendra and Manorama. That was not something evil from Khushi's side. She wasn't an evil and manipulative person. It was just that she learned her lesson the hard way about love and trust.

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