Chapter One

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You live a Price; you die a Price.

Imagine growing up believing that the surname Price is equal to greatness. That is how it is growing up with Jackson Price, a billionaire who happens to be my father. My father who happens to be a strict jackass.

Jackson Price doesn't take no for an answer. He knows what he wants and he gets what he wants. If things don't go his way, he will turn the tide to his favor. Already at fifty-six with loads of bucks and women blowing his dick, there is still no stopping the old man.

My brothers and I know that we have no choice when it comes to making decisions. We are our father's little Jacksons, and we must follow his lead. It's always a yes, or he'll cut us out. No one is brave enough to challenge him. Not Adrian. Not Alexander. Not even me.

Others find comfort in rebelling against their controlling parents, but not us. Our own rebellion starts with being less of an ass than our father. That is why no Price has been involved in shitty situations which lead to bribing or threatening anyone who get in our way. We stay away from anything that might let us use our money or power to take control.

But there are times a situation calls for it.

"Ash, we need your help out here!" Ryle Myers, the star quarterback, yells my name like I'm the savior of mankind. He is with his girlfriend, Tamara, who is consoling a crying girl in pink pants. One look at the girl and I can sense she's a freshman.

"What happened here?" My voice parts the crowd that is starting to gather.

"Someone put a fake snake in her locker, and she has a phobia of snakes," Tamara explains as the freshman continues to cry her eyes out.

I look at the freshman once more before I address the crowd. "Can anyone enlighten us on whose idea is this?" When no one answers, I add a threat. "If no one speaks out, then I guess my dad can withdraw his sponsorship to our spring break festival."

Because students care about beach parties and booze, cancellation of the spring break festival is a major letdown. Add to that, Easton sets the bar way up high when it comes to hosting college parties, and no one wants Easton to lose its spot on the party map.

"I saw King and his gang earlier. I think they were up to something," Jason Staggard, a sophomore, rats them out before he chickens out.

"King Matias?" There's no hint of surprise in my voice. The usual suspects of the pranks are King and his friends. They target the freshmen because there's no way they'll be able to prank the juniors and seniors. I scan the crowd and sigh. "Guess I have to talk to that kid."

"I'll go with you," Ryle offers. "I think a back-up will do you good."

I nod even though I need no help. The Matiases and the Prices are friends. King, no matter how stubborn he is, will listen to me. He's just doing this to rebel against his father who is controlling every damn thing in his life. See how fucked up it is to grow up in a rich family?

As it turned out, King is just pissed that his father put his new wheels on hold as a form of punishment. Jaime Matias might have gotten the idea from his business partner. Jackson Price did the same thing when Adrian continued to date a scholar even after the Manderson property was handed over to him.

Which reminds me that in a few months, papers will be signed to transfer the Ridgecrest manor to my name. That is if I find a girlfriend before I turn twenty-one in five months, a special request or, if I should say, a demand by no less than Jackson Price.


It's not that I have no prospects. Chicks line up to get to me. They even fight for my attention. But unlike other guys, I don't just date anyone with a skirt.

With the rate things are going, I might not find a perfect candidate.

Or maybe I already have.

She walks in, with her pencil skirt and hair neatly tied up in a bun. She looks like she's going to a job interview only if she's not wearing white Chucks. And unlike the other girls in Easton, her face is clear of make-up.

Harper Silva is Professor Riddel's favorite student. He always calls her first in every recitation. All I know is she's a Political Science major and a consistent dean's lister. Harper is also an academic scholar even though her parents are doctors. She's from a decent family so that makes her a good choice.

A good one until our father decides to set me up with an heiress or a politician's daughter, depending on what helps float his boat.

Harper sits across from me and if I haven't made contact with her before, I am going to change that now.

"Hi," I say, sounding less than confident. Damn it. Harper glances at me and her expression tells me that she's surprised.

"Uh," She pauses and looks away. "Hello."

"How is your morning?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation going. When Harper doesn't answer, I ask more. "Were you able to finish the assigned reading? I have a hard time getting through page four."

I have always been aware of my appeal to chicks. So Harper looking like she's seen a ghost is new to me.

"Why are you doing this?"


"You're talking to me," Harper stresses each syllable to make a point.

"Yes, I am talking to you."

"You don't have to talk to me, Mr. Ashton Price, unless there's a catch."

With one last glance, Harper goes back to fiddling with her phone, totally ignoring my presence. Shit. I am wrong to presume that this is going to be easy.

"What if I'm just trying to be friendly?" I try again, because heck, Ashton Price never gives up. That's one thing I have in common with my father.

But Harper doesn't give up shit just as easily. "Trying to be friendly in the middle of the semester, I see."

"As they say, it's better late than never."

I wait for Harper to respond when Riddel walks into class. He immediately spots Harper and showers her assignment paper with praise. It turns out she's the only student with an A plus. Harper doesn't seem to like the attention she's getting because her face has gone from red to redder.

As I stare at her, all I can think about is how to score for Harper Silva's attention. 

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