Chapter Twenty Eight

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"We will first watch 10 Things I Hate About You, which, by the way, is one of the best romantic comedies out there," I say as I place my laptop on the bed. "Then we'll watch your Inglorious Basterds after."

Ashton has suggested for us to stay in today to watch our favorite films. For the past few days, he's been busy preparing for his birthday that we've spent less time together. Netflix and chill is his way of making up for lost time.

Although I constantly crave for his presence, being with his family is what's best for him. His birthday party is this coming weekend, and the last thing I want is for him to worry about his relationship with them.

Speaking of birthday, Ashton has not formally invited me yet. Although Kat said that I shouldn't worry. I'm his girlfriend so attending his birthday party is a given. No need for scented invites or VIP reservation.

But still, at the back of my mind, I feel like there's something he isn't telling me.

I tried asking him, though, but his answer's just the same: DON'T OVERTHINK, HARPER.

Maybe I'm just overthinking.

Ashton pulls me to his chest and presses his lips on my forehead. 

"I have something for you," he murmurs.

"What?" I ask, excitement present in my voice.

He takes something out from his back pocket and whispers, "Close your eyes first."

What is it this time? 

I smile and willingly follow his command. I feel his fingers brush my neck and a nanosecond later, he tells me to open my eyes.

Once I do, I see a necklace with bronze heart pendant hanging across my chest. The pendant is the trinket I showed him back at the old bookstore.

"This is beautiful," I say before kissing him lightly on the lips.

"You're more beautiful," he whispers as he knots his hand with mine. "I'm sorry if I've been too preoccupied these past days. The party is giving me a headache."

"It's fine, Ashton. I'm happy that you're happy."

"Tell Judy and Kat that I'm inviting them to the party as well. You can all go together with Chris."

"Is the party strictly formal or casual?"

"Hate to say this but strictly formal. Not my idea, in case you want to know."

With that, I laugh.

"So how's everything going?" I ask, letting my fingers brush the back of his hand. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Nah, everything's fine. There are people working to make sure that things will turn out fine. I'm just not a fan of parties is all."

"If you're not a fan of parties, why hold  one at all?" I ask although I have this inkling that it's part of his dad's scheme.

"The party is Jackson's idea, not mine. It's a tradition he started with Adrian. The party's not really to celebrate our birthday. It's more of introducing us to the business world, and declaring to everyone what assets and businesses will be put under our name."

"So you have any idea what business will be under your name by Saturday?" I ask, not because I'm interested, but because I'm worried of him.

I can tell by his facial expression that he's not ready for whatever will be laid down in front of him this weekend.

"All I know is the Ridgecrest Manor, and probably the hotels because Jackson knows that I have this thing for hotels. It started when I was young."

"Hotels?" I repeat. 

When he nods, I add, "...with big letter S?"

"Yeah. Grand Continental Hotel? You've heard of that?"

Well, yes. I've heard of that. There's a Grand Continental Hotel in every state. I nod to answer his question.

Ashton closes his eyes and continues, "But I don't know if I'm ready for that. It feels like everything is moving too fast. By Saturday, I'm not the same Ashton Price anymore. It's like there's a price tag hanging on my neck."

"You will be the same Ashton Price I know, and for sure, you're gonna kick ass," I assure him, and I know what I said is true. He's going to kick asses and balls. I'm sure of that.

I'm busy writing my blog post when my phone rings. I pick it up and see my mom's face flashing on the screen.

Why is she calling me at this ungodly hour? She doesn't call if it's not that important.

"Hello mom. Are you okay? Is everything fine? Are you alone? Do you need me to call someone?" I blurt out. Worry is evident in my voice.

"Hello Harper. We're okay. We are in town actually," she says quite cheerfully.

What did she say? I gulp and ask, "What do you mean you're in town? And who are the we?"

"I'm with your sister. We're going to attend a party this weekend. Your dad will arrive Saturday morning."


"What party?" I ask. "And please, I don't need to know his whereabouts, mom. Stop updating me about him." 

"It's an engagement party. Actually it's a birthday party slash engagement celebration. You're also invited," She says, totally ignoring my comment about dad.

"Wait. Let's pause for a minute. Whose party is this and why am I being informed just now? I have somewhere to go on Saturday."

"Can you just reschedule that? We don't usually get a chance to be together like this since you moved out."

But I will be missing my boyfriend's party...

"Let me see. What time is the party and where is it?"

"You probably know the place," mom says nonchalantly. "You know Ashton Price? He's studying in Easton."

I gulp. Why is she talking about my boyfriend?

And to answer my question, my sister shouts in the background. "It's his engagement party, stupid. You did not know about that? Gossip's probably going around."

It hits me like a bucket of cold water. Ashton Price is going to be engaged.

The asshole invited me to his birthday where he's going to be engaged. He fucking invited me to make me look like a fool.

Before I can stop it, tears roll down my cheek.

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