Chapter Twenty Nine

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Avoidance is the key.

I've known that ever since I tried to avoid the ugly fact that our asshole of a father doesn't love mom and even us. That's why I left home and move to Easton as quickly as possible. I can't stand the feeling of betrayal, knowing too well that if I see my father, I'd end up crying.

I don't want to cry in front of him. That will only make me look weak.

That is why I've also avoided Ashton since Monday after knowing the truth.

I can't stand his betrayal, just like how I can't stand dad's infidelity. My brokenness is too much for me to take; I know I'd just cry in front of him.

Ashton can't have the satisfaction of seeing me shed a tear for him.

He has called numerous of times, of course, especially after I left my dorm and moved in with mom and Christie at the hotel nearby. Still, he doesn't know where I am because I also skipped classes. I informed my professors that my sick mom is in town and she needs me, which isn't a lie. They agreed to send me the lectures I'll miss via email and for me to submit work online.

"Hey," Christie nudges me on the side and hands out a pack of potato chips. "Care to share what's going on inside that pretty little head of yours?"

When I don't answer, she sighs and says, "I know I've been a bitch lately. I was mad at you—you know, after I discovered that dad's cheating on our mom. I don't know—I just needed to release my anger that day and to blame someone, and you were the easy target. Sorry."

I put my head on her shoulder and whisper, "It's okay. I know how it feels. It sucks big time. When people you love end up betraying you, it feels like shards of glass are cutting through your heart and then you can't breathe."

Christie squeezes my hand and asks, "So when will you tell me about Ashton Price?"

I stay silent. I know she's suspicious of me these past days.

"I know something's off with you when you've been skipping classes for five straight days. You don't skip class, except if something bad happened. Curious, I searched social media for clues, and that's when I found out. Twitter has been a big help."

"Fuck Easton Unknown," I mutter.

"Sis, I know it's difficult and you're hurting, but you can get though this," Christie comforts. "You don't need a guy to feel enough. You're smart; you're pretty; you're witty and strong. Fuck Ashton Price."

"Are you planning to make me cry, sis? Because one more word and I'm going to bawl."

She smiles and says, "Seriously, you're too good to cry over a man. But still, I won't stop you from crying because you need to release the anger and pain. So if you plan to skip the party tomorrow, I'm in."

I sigh. The birthday party slash engagement party is tomorrow.

"Dad's going to give me shit if I skip the party. Ashton's parents are one of his biggest clients apparently."

"We can pretend that we're sick, like we have diarrhea or something."

"I don't know. Maybe he'll get suspicious if both of us are sick."

"Fine, let's tell him you have diarrhea and you can't go. If you're not prepared to see him and his fiancée, then don't go."

I close my eyes and think of how it will hurt if I see Ashton and Samantha together at the party. They're going to get engaged. My presence at the party will not change that.

"Okay, Christie. Thank you." I whisper.

Since mom is still in our room talking to the designer of her gown, Christie and I head downstairs to the café to grab a snack.

"I'll just go check the menu at the counter, okay?" Christie offers. "What do you want? Sandwich? Salad? Juice? Tea?"

"Any salad is fine, and also orange juice. Just also grab something for mom, okay?"

"Okay. Let's go spend dad's money because fuck him and his cheating ass," she says before leaving me alone.

I fish my phone out from my pouch bag and see countless of unread messages from Judy, Kat, Chris and...Ashton.

My heart sinks at the sight of his name. I put my phone back inside my bag before I get tempted of reading his messages. And of replying to him, too.

"Harper?" I hear someone call my name. I lift my head up and see Samantha Semblat approaching me.

It feels like a stone is stuck on my throat. Ashton Price's fiancée is here to see me.

"I'm sorry to bother you but..." she whispers and looks around. "Can I take a seat?"

I nod, because if you don't know what to say, you just nod.

Samantha sits across from me and she looks, I don't know, out of sorts for someone who's going to get engaged tomorrow.

"Harper, I really had no idea about the engagement," she starts. "I don't know if you'll believe me but I swear I just found out this morning. Ashton had no idea about it, too. We're shocked."

"How were you able to find me?" Finally, words came out of my mouth.

"I asked people to look for you, then I got the information that you're here. I'm sorry."

"Does Ashton know that I'm here, too?"

Samantha shakes her head and answers, "No. He doesn't know yet. He's asked me to inform him if ever I get to find you. He badly wants to talk to you, Harper. He had no idea about all of this. It's just his dad and my parents."

And then I do the unthinkable. I reach for her hand say, "Please don't tell him where I am. I beg you."

"Harper, you have to talk to him," she pleads. "He's devastated after knowing the truth. He's even planning to introduce you to his dad at his party."

I remain silent, because what can I say to that?

"He really loves you, okay? And even if I still have feelings for him, this shitty setup needs to stop. He doesn't love me, and I can't marry a man who doesn't have any feelings for me. I deserve better."

She places both her hands on the table and sighs. "Please, Harper. If you love Ashton, do this for him."

"What would I do for someone who isn't willing to fight for me?"

Samantha shakes her head and says, "Believe me; he has fought a lot of people today because of you."

"How about your parents? What will they say?"

"I already told them that I'm not getting engaged. They have not yet accepted my decision, but I know they'll understand. But Jackson Price is a different story. Please, Harper. Give Ashton the chance to prove his worth to you."

When I don't answer, she continues, "He can't fight this battle alone."

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